Wow, normálne som skoro prespala prvé narodeniny blogu! Ďakujem za pripmenutie, Facebook! Ten mi totiž v spomienkach pripomenul launch z minulého roku! Možno som na to zabudla preto, že celkovo sa blogovaniu venujem už roky, takže je trochu zvláštne oslavovať jeden rok, ale oslavovať sa predsa len bude, pretože Nasklee je niečo špeciálne.
Nasklee je moje dieťa, ktoré som stvorila s troma veľmi špeciálnymi ľuďmi - mojím (teraz už) manželom Viktorom, jednou z mojich najlepších kamarátok, Viktorkou a takisto so Sonkou, ktorá stála po mojom boku odkedy som začala s blogovaním mnoho rokov dozadu. Nasklee ma vrátilo k blogovaniu po mojej prvej pauze od tohto "povolania" od mojich 12 rokov. Vďaka tomuto blogu som stretla toľko úžasných ľudí, spolupracovala som s mnohými skvelými firmami a hlavne som začala budovať komunitu okolo blogu práve s vami, mojimi čitateľmi. Ste úžasní a nič z tohto by ma tak nenapĺňalo, keby nebolo vás.
Odkedy som Nasklee pred rokom spustila, toľko sa toho zmenilo! Kúpili sme si spoločného psa, nasťahovali sme sa do nového bytu, otehotneli sme a vzali sme sa. A vďaka blogu som to všetko dokumentovala a mohli sme to všetko prežívať spolu. Boli ste svedkami všetkých týchto zmien a podporovali ste ma, boli ste za mňa šťastní niekedy až tak, že ma vaše reakcie poriadne dojali! A vďaka tomu si vás neskutočne vážim!
Poďme teda spolu osláviť prvý rok Nasklee tým, že sa pozrieme na pár obľúbených fotiek a postov za posledných 365 dní!
Wow, can you believe I almost forgot about the birthday of my blog? Thanks for those memories, Facebook! I've been reminded of the launch, which happened just one year ago! Maybe I forgot, because overall, I have been blogging for years already, so it's kind of weird to be celebrating one year. But we gonna do it, because Nasklee is special.
Nasklee is my baby, which has been created with three very special people - my (now) husband and one of my best friends, Viktorka, as well as the one person who has been by my side since I ever started blogging years ago, Sonka. Nasklee has brought me back to blogging after taking a long break from blogging, the first break since I started, when I was 12 years old. Through this blog, I have met so many incredible people in the past year, have cooperated with a lot of great companies and most importantly, I have started building a Nasklee community together with you, my readers! You are amazing and none of this would be as fun as it is if it weren't for you.
Ever since I launched Nasklee, so much in my life has changed! We got a dog together, we have moved to a new apartment, got pregnant and go married. And thanks to this blog, I have it all jotted down and you were able to witness it all and go through those beautiful changes with us. Your support and seeing how happy you are for me in all of this made me love and appreciate you guys so much!
So let's celebrate together the first year of Nasklee by having a look at some of my favorite pictures and posts from the last 365 days!
A tak sme tu, 1. Marca 2018 a ja som tehotná presne 6 mesiacov! Do ďalšieho roku prajem tomuto blogu najmä to, aby som bola kreatívnešia, ako doteraz. Chcem, aby sme spoločne vybudovali väčšiu a silnejšiu komunitu! A dúfam, že sa nenahneváte, ak bude tento blog z časti "mama blogom". Takže VŠETKO NAJLEPŠIE, Nasklee ♥ Blogovanie (opäť) je oveľa lepšie, ako som si pamätala a dalo mi tak veľa! Už teraz sa teším na ďalších kopec rokov spolu s týmto blogom a s vami.
And here we are now, on 1. March 2018 and I have been pregnant for exactly 6 months today! For the next year of this blog, I wish to be more creative than now. I wish to build a bigger and stronger community together with you! I hope that you will not mind me going into the "mom blog" territory in it's second year. So again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Nasklee ♥ Blogging (again) has been even more amazing than I though it would be and has given me so much! I can't wait for the years to come!
Ever since I launched Nasklee, so much in my life has changed! We got a dog together, we have moved to a new apartment, got pregnant and go married. And thanks to this blog, I have it all jotted down and you were able to witness it all and go through those beautiful changes with us. Your support and seeing how happy you are for me in all of this made me love and appreciate you guys so much!
So let's celebrate together the first year of Nasklee by having a look at some of my favorite pictures and posts from the last 365 days!
Prvý post, ktorý som na tomto blogu uverejnila, bol throwback report z Krakova ♡ Takisto som sa s vami podelila o zábery z Viktorovho naodeninového výletu, ako aj z našej prvej spoločnej lyžovačky, ktorú sme dostali od našich na Vianoce. // The first ever post I published was a throwback report from our trip to Cracow ♡ There was also a post from Viktor's Birthday trip and our first ever skiing trip we got for Christmas from my parents.
Začala som postovať outfity - tento bol prvý. A podelila som sa s vami aj o to, prečo blogujem. // I started posting outfit posts - this one was the first. And told you a little about why I am blogging.
Experimentoavla som so všetkými možnými outfitmi - zložitejšími, ale aj takýmito jednoduchými. Tento patrí ešte stále k mojim obľúbeným ♡ aj keď sa musím priznať, že som skoro zamrzla. // I experimented with all kinds of outfits - elaborate ones, as well as simple ones like this. Still one of my favorites ♡ Even though I almost froze my ass off while taking these shots.
Tento je tiež jeden z mojich najobľúbenejších. Aj keď fotenie jarných outfitov v zime vôbec nie je sranda. // Also one of my favorite looks, still. However, shooting spring looks in January/February was really a pain in the ass.
Začalo ma baviť pripravoavť aj beauty posty. // I started enjoying beauty posts as much as I enjoyed fashion posts.
Kúpila som si prvú návrhársku kabelku ♡ // I bought my first ever designer bag ♡
Experimentovala som s vlasmi a bola som jedným z 10 finalistov v kategórii na Blogerovi roku. // I experimented with my hair - a lot! And I was a Top 10 finalist in the Blogger of the Year competition!
Často sme kvôli outfit postom cestovali do Rakúska. Ak poznáte Bratislavu a jej "pozadia", asi chápete, prečo. // We traveled a lot to Austria to shoot outfit posts .. if you have seen Bratislava and it's backdrops, you surely can understand why, haha.
Zúčastnili sme sa odovzdávania cien Bloger roka a umiestnili sme sa na 5. mieste v našej kategórii // We attended the Blogger of the Year event and placed in 5th place in our category
V júni som bola pozvaná prvý krát na event nejakej značky. Urban Decay bola moja prvá, chápete to? Pamätám si, že som tam nikoho nepoznala (teda osobne) a nechápala som, ako som sa v takej elitnej skupine blogerov a youtuberov ocitla. // In June, I have been invited to the first ever blogger event by some brand. Can you believe Urban Decay has been my first? I remember not knowing anyone (well, personally) and feeling so honored to be able to be a part of this group of bloggers.
Prišlo leto a my sme fotili a fotili, experimentovali so svetlom, s novým štýlom úpravy fotiek. // Summer came and we took so many wonderful pictures, experimented with lighting and new editing.
Oslavovala som svoje 24. narodeniny a to tým najpríjemnejším spôsobom, s mojou novou rodinou // I celebrated my 24th birthday in the best way possible - with my new family.
Podelila som sa o pár maličkostí z nášho vzťahu ♡ // I told you a little something about our relationship ♡
Ostrihala som si vlasy zarovno a zafarbila si ich na čokoládovo hnedú. // I cut my hair straight and colored it chocolate brown.
Our looks to a wedding which we attended in summer. I caught the bouquet and he caught the garter. That's supposed to mean that we will get married in a year and a day. Well, I guess we managed to do that much sooner, haha. We got pregnant like two weeks after the wedding. // Takto sme sa vychystali na svadbu, ktorej sme sa v lete zúčastnili ako hostia. Chytila som kyticu a Viktor chytil podväzok. To by malo znamenať, že sa vezmeme do roka a do dňa. No, stihli sme to trošku skôr, haha. Otehotneli sme asi dva týždne po tejto svadbe.
Týmto folklórom inšpirovaným a celkom odvážnym photoshootom som sa rozlúčila s letom. // I said goodbye to summer in this folklore inspired and daring photoshoot.
Konečne sa mi podarilo nafotiť outfit post aj s Viktorom! ♥ V októbri som začala postovať znovu na youtube. // I finally managed to get Viktor into one of my outfit posts! ♥ In October, I also started posting on Youtube again.
Zamilovala som sa do jesennej módy. Inak toto je prvý outfit post, ktorý sme fotili, keď už som vedela, že som tehotná. Vám som to povedala až neskôr. // I fell in love with fall fashion. Oh and by the way, this was the first outfit post I shot already knowing that I was pregnant, but I didn't let you know yet.
Moje tehotenstvo ma dostalo - bola som vyčerpaná a lenivá! A nemala som žiadne nohavice, ktoré by mi pasovali. A tak som sa vám po prvý krát ukázala trochu inak. // My pregnancy got to me - I was tired as hell most of the time. And lazy! And - I didn't have any pants that would fit me anymore! So for the first time ever, I have shown you a different kind of look.
Začala som spolupracovať s Tally Weijl ♡ // I started cooperating with Tally Weijl ♡
A začala som byť v mojich postoch osobnejšia // I started getting very personal in some of my posts.
Zrekapitulovala som si rok 2017. // I looked back at 2017 here.
Zasnúbili sme sa ♥ // We got engaged ♥
A vzali sme sa ♡ // And married ♡
A chvíľu som sa cítila veľmi nekreatívne a napísala som o tom. Tým sa akoby nadvihlo to zakliatie a zrazu som toho napísala za týždeň viac, ako za mesiac predtým. Rozhodla som sa, že budem otvorenejšia, ako doteraz. // I haven't felt very creative for a while and told you about it. All of a sudden, the curse has lifted and I posted more in a week than I did in a month before. I decided to be more personal than before.
And here we are now, on 1. March 2018 and I have been pregnant for exactly 6 months today! For the next year of this blog, I wish to be more creative than now. I wish to build a bigger and stronger community together with you! I hope that you will not mind me going into the "mom blog" territory in it's second year. So again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Nasklee ♥ Blogging (again) has been even more amazing than I though it would be and has given me so much! I can't wait for the years to come!
Gratulujeeem! ♥ Bolo to naozaj krásne môcť sa pozrieť na tento tvoj recap :))
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Candy | C a n d y G r a n t
gratulujem a želám ešte mnoho ďalších úspešných a spokojných rokov v blogovej aj osobnej sfére ;)
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