Ahojte! Pred pár dňami mi prišiel balíček troch skvelých prekvapení od značky Kiehl's, o ktorej som tu na blogu už písala (post #1 / post #2). Napriek tomu, že od Kiehl'su som dostala kopec miniatúriek, z ktorých som už pár mala možnosť vyskúšať, k srdcu mi zatiaľ prirástli dva produkty najviac a tými sú Rosa Arctica krém a Creamy Eye Treatment Avocado krém po oči. Preto ma veľmi potešilo, keď mi domov prišli tieto tri produkty, nad kúpou ktorých som už premýšľala odkedy som sa zúčastnila otvorenia tohto obchodu v Auparku (post #2).
Créme de Corps Soy Milk & Honey Whipped Body Butter Limited edition: Limitovaná vianočná edícia krému zo sójového mlieka a medu znie úplne úžasne a vyzerá super! Slúži na regeneráciu, ochranu a zjemnenie pleti. Design má na svedomí Kate Moross, ktorý vytvorila práve pre túto limitku. Kúpite ho tu.
Hi guys! A couple of days ago, I have received a couple of amazing presents from Kiehl's. I have already written about this brand on my blog (post #1 / post #2). Even though I have gotten many samples from Kiehl's, there are two products that found their place in my everyday makeup routine. It's their Rosa Arctica cream and Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado for the undereye area. That's why I was really happy with I unpacked these products, because I have been thinking of buying them at the Kiehl's opening this December (post #2).
Créme de Corps Soy Milk & Honey Whipped Body Butter Limited edition: This limited Christmas edition cream is made of soy milk and honey, which sounds and looks absolutely amazing! It's supposed to regenerate, protect and smooth your skin. The design is made by Kate Moross, which has been created for this limited edition only. You can get it on Kiehl's.

Butterstick Lip Treatment: Keď som stála naposledy na kase v Kiehl'se, poškulovala som práve po tomto produkte. Nekúpila som si ho, ale aj tak si ku mne našiel cestu. Je to balzam na pery s SPF 25 z kokosového oleja a citrónového masla. Hydratuje a upokojuje pery. Zoženiete ho na Kiehl's.cz.
Butterstick Lip Treatment: When I was standing in line to buy something at Kiehl's the last time, I was looking at this product. I haven't bought it, but it still found its way to me anyway. It's a lip treatment with SPF 25 made from coconut oil and lemon butter. It hydrates and soothes the lips. You can also buy it on Kiehl's directly.

Gently Exfoliating Body Scrub Soap: Takisto limitovaný obal od Kate Moross, tentokrát na peelingovom mydle. Priznám sa, že tento produkt ma veľmi zaujal práve netradičným prevedením - je to tvrdé maslo s kúskami na peeling z marhuľových kôstok. Neznie to úžasne? Kúpite ho tu.
Gently Exfoliating Body Scrub Soap: This is also from the limited edition by Kate Moross and this time, the product is a scrub soap. This product really fascinated me, because it's so non-traditional - it's a hard body soap with scrub parts made of apricot pits. Doesn't it sound amazing? You can get it here.

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