Dress: Mohito | Coat: Zara | Scarf: H&M | Boots: Asos | Bag: Karl Lagerfeld
Hi all! I have to confess to you - I really wasn't in the mood to shoot this outfit. It was freezing cold outside, or rather extremely windy so it felt even colder than it was. And for a third day in a row, I was feeling sick. But since I already had this outfit on and my doctor who I went to was also sick, which kind of changed out plans for the day. We had nothing to do for two hours, so we took this time to take pictures of this look. We only managed to go out of our building and shoot in front of our house. While writing this post, I feel under the weather and know that I should drink as much ginger tea as possible not to end up sick the whole next week.
When it comes to the outfit itself, I was spontaneous. Every time I visit my "women's doctor", I wear a dress - you know why - so these were a clear choice for me, because they go up to the neck and are not all too summery. The only outerwear that would go with the dress and warm me up as well was this coat, which I got from Zara about a year ago and fell in love with instantly! I first saw it when we went to Cracow last year, but I didn't get it then, because I already bought a different jacket during the trip. Since I couldn't forget it for a really long time, I looked it up on Zara online and found it, so I also had to have it! The over-knee boots were also a clear choice, because I'd probably freeze, had I worn any other shoes. Normally, I wouldn't wear the scarf. I have a sore throat and therefore, I took the scarf as well. I finished up the whole look with the Karl over-the-shoulder bag and did my make up to go with the dress.
Oh by the way, back to the weather - I have many funny pictures "thanks" to the wind, which I will definitely show you later on.
What do you think about this simple autumn look?
Ahojte! Musím sa vám s niečím priznať - tento outfit post sa mi fakt nechcel fotiť. Vonku bola strašná zima, resp. hrozne fúkalo, takže pocitovo bolo ešte zimšie, ako teplotne a ja som sa cítila už tretí deň fakt choro. Outfit som však mala tak či tak na sebe a moja lekárka, ktorá je sama na PNke, nám trošku rozhodila harmonogram a mali sme práve dve hodinky na ničnerobenie, tak sme tento čas aspoň využili na rýchle nafotenie outfitu. Vybehli sme len k nám pod dom, pretože inak by som to asi nezvládla. Už teraz pri písaní článku cítim, že by som mala hlavne piť veľa čajov, aby som sa dala do poriadku a neskončila najbližší týždeň na PNke.
Čo sa týka outfitu ako takého, išla som na to spontánne, podľa potrieb. Vždy, keď idem ku gynekologičke, idem v šatách - asi chápete, prečo - a tak boli šaty jasná voľba. Tieto sú aspoň ku krku a tak som sa necítila úplne nevhodne, letne. Jediná bundička, ktorá ku šatám išla a zároveň aj zahriala, bol tento kabátik, ktorý som si kúpila v Zare pred rokom a neviem si ho vynachváliť! Najprv som ho videla, keď sme boli v Krakowe, ale keďže tam som si kúpila ešte jednu inú bundičku, nakoniec som si ho nekúpila. Keď som však naňho ani o pár mesiacov nevedela zabudnúť, pozrela som sa, či ho nenájdem aspoň na online shope v Zare a hurá, podarilo sa! Čižmičky boli takisto jasnou voľbou, pretože v hocičom inom by som samozrejme zamrzla. Čo sa týka šáliku, často ho nenosím, ale práve keď cítim hrdlo tak ako teraz, bola to proste nutnosť. Celkový look som doladila Karl kabelkou cez plece a líčenie som doladila k šatám.
Inak ešte k tomu počasiu - "vďaka" vetru sme sa nevyhli momentkách, ktoré vám určite niekedy ukážem, keď budem mať vtipnú chvíľku.
Čo hovoríte na tento jednoduchý jesenný outfit?
Super cute look.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week.
Love, Esther
Thanks Esther!
DeleteNo tak skoré uzdravenie, hlavne pi veľa čajíka :) Inak, keď som si ešte neprečítala text, iba pozrela fotky, tak som si vravela v hlave, že na niektorých fotkách mi tvoj výraz hovorí, že je ti straaaašna kosa :))) A naoaj to tak bolo :) Ale musím povedať, že farebná kombinácia je veľmi pekná, tá fialová ti ide :)
resp. ružová :P
DeleteĎakujeeem! :)
DeleteNádherný outfit!
Ďakujem <3
DeleteMoc se mi líbí ty šatičky! Krásný outfit.