Hi guys! Have you heard about the So Pure fragrances from S.Oliver? I was lucky enough to have been invited to a small sitdown in "Hygge" style with a couple of other bloggers. We had the chance to smell the perfumes, had some appetisers and of course, talked quite a bit! To be honest with you, this was one of the nicest blogging events I had the opportunity to attend. But before I get to the event itself, I want to tell you a little bit about the perfumes.
So Pure from S.Oliver has a women's and a men's version and I can't decide, which one I like more. I personally usually like men's versions of perfumes much more, but with this one, I like both a lot. They are different, but smell both really amazing.The women's perfume is sweet, but not too heavy. It's also kind of fresh, flowery and fruity. The men's perfume is also fresh, but not sweet at all. But it's also not citrus-y like many men's perfumes.
And now, let's get to the event. The whole table we sat at was designed according to the Hygge style, which I don't know much about yet (but I've heard about it before). I can get to know it much better now, because I got a book about this Danish lifestyle of happiness. Everything was beautifully decorated and the space definitely helped create a very calm and friendly atmosphere.
Even though there were onion and mushroom scones waiting for us, as well as sweet raspberry and blueberry ones, all of us also ordered avocado toast, which was delicious. Oh and not to forget - the event took place in Enjoy Coffee in Bratislava city centre!
Some girls also had Hugo to drink, which I used to like back when I used to drink alcohol. So I at least took a picture of it, haha, as a reminder!
Well, I guess that that would be it for this short report. In the end, I would like to thank Domi for this amazing event, the food and the beautiful presents, as well as all the bloggers - Saja, Suzzie, Lu, Ivanka & Rebeka for a friendly atmosphere.
Ahojte! Počuli ste už o vôňach So Pure od S. Oliver? Ja som mala to šťastie sa tento týždeň zúčastniť menšieho posedenia v štýle "Hygge" s pár ďalšími blogerkami, kde sme čo-to povoňali, pojedli, potofili a samozrejme aj pokecali! Priznám sa, že toto bola jednoznačne jedna z najpríjemnejších akcií, na ktorých som sa ako blogerka zúčastnila. No ale kým sa dostanem k akcii ako takej, chcem vám niečo povedať niečo aj o parfémoch.
So Pure from S.Oliver has a women's and a men's version and I can't decide, which one I like more. I personally usually like men's versions of perfumes much more, but with this one, I like both a lot. They are different, but smell both really amazing.The women's perfume is sweet, but not too heavy. It's also kind of fresh, flowery and fruity. The men's perfume is also fresh, but not sweet at all. But it's also not citrus-y like many men's perfumes.
And now, let's get to the event. The whole table we sat at was designed according to the Hygge style, which I don't know much about yet (but I've heard about it before). I can get to know it much better now, because I got a book about this Danish lifestyle of happiness. Everything was beautifully decorated and the space definitely helped create a very calm and friendly atmosphere.
Even though there were onion and mushroom scones waiting for us, as well as sweet raspberry and blueberry ones, all of us also ordered avocado toast, which was delicious. Oh and not to forget - the event took place in Enjoy Coffee in Bratislava city centre!
Some girls also had Hugo to drink, which I used to like back when I used to drink alcohol. So I at least took a picture of it, haha, as a reminder!
Well, I guess that that would be it for this short report. In the end, I would like to thank Domi for this amazing event, the food and the beautiful presents, as well as all the bloggers - Saja, Suzzie, Lu, Ivanka & Rebeka for a friendly atmosphere.
Ahojte! Počuli ste už o vôňach So Pure od S. Oliver? Ja som mala to šťastie sa tento týždeň zúčastniť menšieho posedenia v štýle "Hygge" s pár ďalšími blogerkami, kde sme čo-to povoňali, pojedli, potofili a samozrejme aj pokecali! Priznám sa, že toto bola jednoznačne jedna z najpríjemnejších akcií, na ktorých som sa ako blogerka zúčastnila. No ale kým sa dostanem k akcii ako takej, chcem vám niečo povedať niečo aj o parfémoch.
So Pure od S.Olivera má ženskú, aj mužskú verziu a ja sa úprimne neviem rozhodnúť, ktorá mi vonia lepšie. Osobne sa mi väčšinou páčia mužské parfémy, najmä ak sa jedná o tie, ktoré sú dostupné v oboch verziách. V tomto prípade má však podľa mňa aj ženská, aj mužská vôňa niečo do seba a páčia sa mi obe, ale úplne iným spôsobom a na iné príležitosti. Ženská vôňa je sladká, ale ľahko sladká, taká osviežujúca - kvetinovo-ovocná. Mužská je takisto veľmi svieža, ale sladká rozhodne nie je. Nepríde mi však ani citrusová, ako mnoho iných mužských vôní.
No ale prejdime k eventu. Celý stôl bol zariadený v štýle Hygge, o ktorom síce ešte veľa neviem (ale počula som už o ňom aj predtým), ale našťastue som dostala aj knižku o tomto "štýle šťastia" a tak si ho môžem poriadne naštudovať! Už len to, ako bolo všetko dekorované, bolo krásne a dodávalo celému stretnutiu pokojnú, priateľskú a domácku atmosféru. Ktorú som si ja osobne dotvorila ešte objednaným čajíkom, keďže som sa necítila najlepšie.
Napriek tomu, že na nás čakali cibuľové a hríbové košíčky, ako aj sladké malinové a čučoriedkové košíčky (na fotke nižšie), nám to nedalo a objednali sme si avokádový toast, ktorý bol naozaj úžasný! A áno, dali sme si ho všetky, ktoré sme tam ešte boli, haha. Inak aby som nezabudla - event sa konal v Enjoy Coffee v Bratislave na Michalskej, kam vám jednoznačne odporúčam zájsť, ak budete hľadať príjemnú kaviarničku v centre.
Niektoré dievčatá si dali na pitie aj Hugo, ktoré som mala veľmi rada, keď som ešte pila alkohol a tak som si ho aspoň zachytila na fotky - ako spomienku, haha.
A to by bolo pre tento kratučký report asi všetko. Ešte raz by som sa rada poďakovala Domi za túto akciu a samozrejme za úžasné jedlo a darčeky a ostatným blogerkám - Saji, Suzzie, Lu, Ivanke a Rebeke za priateľskú spoločnosť.

jéj, konalo sa to na veľmi peknom mieste, pôsobí to útulne a zároveň moderne, to milujem :) super fotky, určite to bola paráda ;)
ReplyDeleteSabi z blogu Beautiful savage
OMG ich liebe Home Inspiration so dermaßen! Gerade weil ich meine neue Wohnung bekommen hab und jetzt alles neu einrichten kann :)
ReplyDeleteNádherne fotky!! Muselo to tam byť krásne!!!
ReplyDeleteMiesto, kde sa akcia konala vyzerá naozaj božsky! :) O vôňach čítam teraz u teba po prvý krát, ale vyzerajú veľmi vydarene. ❤ xx
ReplyDeleteSimona | l i v e i n f o x w o r l d