Ahojte! Dnes som si povedala, že sa opäť povenujem téme tehotenstvo, ale trošku iným spôsobom, ako doteraz. Tento krátky zoznam som dala dokopy z vecí, ktoré my, tehotné, nepotrebujeme a nechceme počuť. Čerpám ako z internetu, tak aj zo svojich skúseností, či skúseností iných tehotných žien z môjho okolia.
Hi guys! Today I thought of writing something about pregnancy again, but in kind of a different way than I did in my previous posts. I put together a short list of things that we, pregnant women, don't want and need to hear. These are from my own experience, but also from the internet or other pregnant women.
1. Bolo to plánované?
Úprimne? Čo ťa do toho? Či bolo tehotenstvo plánované, alebo nie (a často je to teda oveľa komplikovanejšie ako len tieto dve možnosti), je v konečnom dôsledku jedno. Pretože ak sa s vami niekto delí o túto novinku, tak je väčšinou zrejmé, že sa teší a preto to dáva svetu vedieť. Vtedy sa treba tešiť s ňou a nie vypytovať sa, či s partnerom súložila s cieľom otehotnieť, alebo nie. Aj keď sa to na prvý pohľad nezdá, ale je to dosť osobná otázka.
1. Was is planned?
Honestly? How is that any business of yours? If it was planned or not (and often, the answer is a little more complex than one of those simple words) does not really matter. If someone is sharing the news with you, then it's in a positive manner and because the person is excited to share it with you. So just be happy and don't be asking if she was having sex with her partner with the goal of getting pregnant or not. Even though it might not seem like that to many people, the question is very personal!
1. Was is planned?
Honestly? How is that any business of yours? If it was planned or not (and often, the answer is a little more complex than one of those simple words) does not really matter. If someone is sharing the news with you, then it's in a positive manner and because the person is excited to share it with you. So just be happy and don't be asking if she was having sex with her partner with the goal of getting pregnant or not. Even though it might not seem like that to many people, the question is very personal!
2. Kde máš brucho?
Toto je jedna z vecí, ktoré mňa osobne vedeli vytočiť už od začiatku. Keď sa ma niekto spýtal, kde mám brucho, mala som mu začať vysvetľovať, v koľkátom som týždni, že brucho je väčšinou ráno oveľa menšie ako večer a preto o dvanástej na obed nie je až tak vidieť a okrem toho, že mám na sebe voľné veci, v ktorých sa cítim pohodlnejšie a holé brucho naozaj nebudem ukazovať, len aby som dokázala, že nie je také ploché, ako pred tehotenstvom? Najviac ma vždy vedel doraziť dodatok: "Ja keď som bola v tom týždni čo ty, som ho mala tri krát také." No a čo? Nezaujíma ma to. Ja mám brucho také ako mám a nepotrebujem si ho porovnávať s tým tvojím.
2. Where is your belly?
This is one of the things that were driving me insane from the beginning. When someone asks you this, what are you supposed to say? Should you start explaining to them, how far along you are, or that the belly is much smaller in the morning than in the evening? And that when wearing loose clothes, the belly isn't as visible and that you won't be showing them your bare belly just to prove that it isn't as flat as it was before the pregnancy? What drove me most crazy was when someone added: "When I was this far along, my belly was three times as big." So what? I don't care! My belly is my belly and I don't need to have it compared with yours.
2. Where is your belly?
This is one of the things that were driving me insane from the beginning. When someone asks you this, what are you supposed to say? Should you start explaining to them, how far along you are, or that the belly is much smaller in the morning than in the evening? And that when wearing loose clothes, the belly isn't as visible and that you won't be showing them your bare belly just to prove that it isn't as flat as it was before the pregnancy? What drove me most crazy was when someone added: "When I was this far along, my belly was three times as big." So what? I don't care! My belly is my belly and I don't need to have it compared with yours.
3. Aké máš už veľké bruško!
Presný opak bodu číslo 2., no taktiež niečo, čo si nechajte radšej pre seba. Ja viem, že keď túto frázu niekto zadelí, nemyslí to vôbec zle. Mne a mnohým iným ženám však táto fráza dokáže poriadne vyliezť krkom. Mať "veľké brucho", aj keď je z tehotenstva, je totiž pre mnohé z nás obrovská zmena a často sa vďaka nej môžeme cítiť menej príťažlivé. Okrem toho sme nemotorné a to nám na pocite príťažlivosti vôbec nepridáva. A verte mi, že si veľmi dobre uvedomujeme, že nám bruško narástlo - vôbec nám to nemusíte pripomínať! Ak neviete, čo povedať, skúste sa držať komplimentov a povedzte nám, že nám tehotenstvo pristane, že nám to s bruškom svedčí, alebo niečo podobné.
3. Your belly is so huge!
3. Your belly is so huge!
The exact opposite of number 2, but also something you should rather keep to yourself. I know that people are not usually saying this sentence with bad intentions. However, I, as well as many other pregnant women, really don't need to hear it. Having a "big belly", even though it's completely natural during pregnancy, can be a huge change for some of us and it can make us feel less attractive. We often start being clumsier and that doesn't help either. Oh and believe me when I say that we do realize that our belly has grown, we don't need any reminders! If you don't know what to say, try to stick to compliments and tell us something like "pregnancy really suits you".
4. Vyzeráš unavená, cítiš sa dobre?
Viete prečo vyzerám unavená? Lebo som! V noci sa budím viac krát na to, že musím zbehnúť na WC, mám problém nájsť si pohodlnú polohu, často sa mi snívajú nezmysly pri ktorých si vôbec neoddýchnem a to nehovorím o tom, že bývam niekedy tak hladná, že sa na to zobudím a musím sa ísť najesť. Okrem toho vstávam ráno do roboty. Takže ste uhádli správne, som unavená a necítim sa vždy najlepšie. Ale naozaj nepotrebujem, aby ste mi to vyhadzovali na oči. Pretože toto konštatovanie, či otázka vlastne znamenajú jedno a to isté - že vyzerám na hovno. A to si uvedomujem aj bez toho, aby mi to niekto musel povedať.
4. You look tired, are you feeling okay?
So you wanna know why I look tired? Because I am! I wake up multiple times at night just to go to the bathroom, I have issues finding a comfortable sleeping position and I often dream bullshit dreams which don't make me feel rested at all. Not to mention being so hungry that I wake up and have to eat something to be able to fall asleep again. Oh and I wake up to work every morning too. So yeah, you are right - I am tired and I don't always feel well. But I don't need you to be telling me this. Because this question means the one and only - that I look like shit. Which is something I know myself, believe me.
4. You look tired, are you feeling okay?
So you wanna know why I look tired? Because I am! I wake up multiple times at night just to go to the bathroom, I have issues finding a comfortable sleeping position and I often dream bullshit dreams which don't make me feel rested at all. Not to mention being so hungry that I wake up and have to eat something to be able to fall asleep again. Oh and I wake up to work every morning too. So yeah, you are right - I am tired and I don't always feel well. But I don't need you to be telling me this. Because this question means the one and only - that I look like shit. Which is something I know myself, believe me.
5. Môžem si chytiť bruško?
Toto sa ma ešte nespýtal nikto, ale viem, že aj takí sa medzi nami nájdu. Preto by som vám len rada pripomenula, že to nie je vôbec vhodné! Ak budeme chcieť, aby ste nám chytali brušká, spýtame sa vás na to. Tento dotaz by nikdy nemal prísť z vašej strany!
5. Can I touch your belly?
Nobody has asked me this yet, but I know that this is one of the things pregnant women really don't like. So just a quick reminder to all of you - this is not appropriate! If we want you to touch our bellies, we will ask you if you want to do that. The question should never come from you!
5. Can I touch your belly?
Nobody has asked me this yet, but I know that this is one of the things pregnant women really don't like. So just a quick reminder to all of you - this is not appropriate! If we want you to touch our bellies, we will ask you if you want to do that. The question should never come from you!
6. Čítal(a) som, že tehotné by nemali jesť/piť (doplň ľubovoľne) ..
Áno, aj ja som toho ako tehotná kopec prečítala. A viete čo som sa naučila? Najlepšie je počúvať svoje vlastné telo a prípadne svoju lekárku, alebo mamu, či svokru. Pretože keby som sa riadila tým, čo som sa dočítala na internete, nejedla a nepila by som asi nič okrem vody. A ešte aj pri tej by som si musela dávať pozor na 1000 vecí. Najradšej mám, keď mi takúto radu dáva niekto, kto sa do toho vôbec nevyzná. Názorný príklad: "Nemala by si jesť exotické ovocie." A na moju kontraotázku, že prečo, príde odpoveď: "No ja o tom nič neviem, ja nie som tehotná ani som nebola, ale to som čítala na nete". Prepáč, ale ja na rozdiel od teba tehotná som a ver mi, že som aj informovaná o tom, čo môžem a čo nemôžem.
6. I've read that pregnant women shouldn't eat/drink (insert anything here) ..
Sure, I've read a lot as well. And you know what I've learned? The best thing to do is to listen to your own body, or your doctor, maybe your mom or your mother-in-law. Because if I would go with what I've read on the internet, I wouldn't be eating or drinking anything except for water. And even with water, I would have to be cautious. What I "appreciate" the most is when this comes from someone who isn't or wasn't pregnant yet and has no idea about the issue. Example: "You shouldn't eat exotic fruits." When I ask why, the answer is: "Well, I don't really know much about it, because I am not pregnant and never was, but I've read it on the internet." Sorry, but I, unlike you, am pregnant and believe me, I am informed about what I can and cannot do.
6. I've read that pregnant women shouldn't eat/drink (insert anything here) ..
Sure, I've read a lot as well. And you know what I've learned? The best thing to do is to listen to your own body, or your doctor, maybe your mom or your mother-in-law. Because if I would go with what I've read on the internet, I wouldn't be eating or drinking anything except for water. And even with water, I would have to be cautious. What I "appreciate" the most is when this comes from someone who isn't or wasn't pregnant yet and has no idea about the issue. Example: "You shouldn't eat exotic fruits." When I ask why, the answer is: "Well, I don't really know much about it, because I am not pregnant and never was, but I've read it on the internet." Sorry, but I, unlike you, am pregnant and believe me, I am informed about what I can and cannot do.
7. Pôrod bola tá najbolestivejšia vec v mojom živote.
Áno? A ako mi má táto informácia pomôcť? Nehovorím, že by sme sa mali klamať a vymýšľať si, že pôrod je prechádzka ružovou záhradou. Ale stresovať takýmto spôsobom niekoho, kto má pred sebou svoj prvý pôrod, naozaj nie je nutné. Základ je pozitívne sa naladiť a toto teda vôbec nepomôže. Sem by som zaradila aj otázky typu: "Bojíš sa pôrodu?"
To by bolo momentálne všetko, čo ma napadá. Som si istá, žče je kopec ďalších vecí a ak vás niečo napadne, dajte mi vedieť do komentárov, alebo mi napíšte správu na instagrame!
Na záver by som dodala, že v zásade platí: Buďte k nám taktní, keď tak nám povedzte, že nám tehotenstvo pristane (verte mi, naozaj to z času na čas potrebujeme počuť), ale nesprávajte sa k nám ako k chránenému zvieraťu, okolo ktorého treba chodiť na špičkách. Len buďte trošku milší a ohľaduplnejší, ako obvykle.
7. Giving birth was the most painful thing in my life.
Really? And how should this info help me, please? I am not saying that we should be lying to ourselves and pretend that giving birth is a walk in a park. But stressing someone out this way who is going to give birth in the near future really isn't necessary! Rather than that, help them get into a positive mindset! Also, don't ask pregnant women if they are afraid of giving birth and similar.
Well, this would be all that I can think of now. I am sure that there are many more things that could be mentioned here, so if you can think of something, let me know in the comment section, or send me a DM on instagram!
In the end, I would like to add that you should keep the following in mind: Be considerate and if you want to tell us something about our appearance, tell us that pregnancy looks good on us (believe me when I say that this is something we need to hear from time to time). And don't act as if we were some protected species which you have to tip toe around. Just be a little nicer and a little more thoughtful than you normally are.
Tieto strašiaky s pôrodom neznášam. Furt keď to niekto povedal, odpovedala som ze nezáujem, ja sa na pôrod teším a viem ze bude okej, a tak aj bolo. Nič hrozneho. Ide o to čomu človek verí a ako je na pôrod naladený. Všetko teda jedným uchom dnu a druhým von. :)))))
ReplyDeletePresne tak, ja sa to snažím proste nevnímať a hovoriť si, že môj pôrod bude úplne v poriadku a bezproblénový a rýchly :)
DeleteGratuluji ti k těhotentví :) kolikrát nechápu na co jsou lidé až schopni se zeptat, nebo proš musí mít neustále ke všemu připomínky. Někdy je lepší to prostě nevnímat :)
ReplyDeleteMaris Novotná
Dakujem! :) Áno, ja som sa naučila keď tak sa pousmiať, ale nijak na to nereagovať, lebo to nemá zmysel :D
DeleteJa sa teraz hanbím, lebo som ti polku vecí tuším povedala o.o Ja mám depky z pôrodu už teraz, keď mi niekto hovorí o tom, aké to je bolestivé, takže si neviem predstaviť, ako na to budem reagovať, keď budem tehotná a bude ma to reálne čakať
ReplyDeleteSaja Frey Blog
Haha, to je v pohode :DD Ide hlavne aj o to, akým spôsobom to človek povie a či to nepovie akurát vtedy, keď ja si sťažujem, že mi bachor zavadzia :D No podľa mňa najlepšie je to proste ignorovať a proste presvedčiť samú seba o tom, že ten pôrod bude v poho. Aspoň ja sa o tom presviedčam :D
DeleteSuper článok, na niekoľkých veciach som sa pobavila a tak nejak som si premietala, či som ti niečo z toho náhodou nepovedala :D Alebo nejakej inej tehotnej žene... hm.
ReplyDeleteCandy | C a n d y G r a n t
Haha, tak stane sa, ale aj keby, tak si z toho netreba nič robiť :D Veď aj v článku som to mysleal skôr tak zo srandy, aj keď napríklad to s malým bruchom ma vedelo zo začiatku strašne vytočiť :D Od jednej konkrétnej, veľmi premúdrelej, taktiež tehotnej slečny :D
DeleteJežiši, konečne to niekto povedal na plnú "hubu"!!! Diky Peťuš, super príspevok, ja som tiež teraz tehotná a extrémne mi tieto reči lezú na nervy, hlavne od žien, ktoré ešte ani tehotné neboli, ale všetko vedia najlepšie..a tiež chytanie bruška (čo som opica v zoo?!) a ešte je aj veľmi "dobrá" otázka: koľko kíl si už pribrala? Inak si veľmi zlatá, vlastne odkedy som tehotná, tak som si ťa všimla na instagrame a páči sa mi veľmi aj tvoj blog. :)
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated such a great amount for this data. I need to tell you I agree on a few of the focuses you make here and others might require some further survey, however I can see your perspective. Cute Maternity Clothes