Dress: Zara | Bag: Karl Lagerfeld | Shoes: Puma x Fenty | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
Do you also have those day when you really wanna wear a dress, but you are not in the mood for high heels? Well, I have those days quite often. When I was younger, I was able to wear heels every day. I remember the times, when I didn't mind wearing heels to school, walking in them all day and even going out and about in them after school. And even when I went straight back home after school - how the hell was I able to wear heels while riding a bus, where I had to stand most of the time, because it was completely full? I don't think I will ever understand my younger self. The first 6 months in college, I still wore heels a lot - but living in Berlin is kind of different than Bratislava, especially when it comes to distances and amount of walking. So I started getting used to wearing sneakers again. In time, different kinds of sandals or slip-ons were added to my shoe collection. For this look, we paired the dress with the craziest flats we could find - with these violet slip ons by Rihanna for Puma. I have to admit, that this, together with my other outfits on this blog, is not something I would usually wear. It might be juuust a little crazy for me. However, I also have to say that I really enjoy these kinds of fashion experiments and love to have a platform to do that here, on the blog. It's good to be a little crazy sometimes, right?
What do you think?
Poznáte tie dni, kedy máte chuť dať si šaty, ale nemáte vôbec náladu na podpätky? U mňa je takých dní viac než dosť! Keď som bola mladšia, dokázala som nosiť podpätky každý deň, celý deň. Pamätám si časy, kedy mi nerobilo problém ísť v podpätkoch do školy, byť v nich celý deň a potom s nimi ísť napríklad ešte do mesta. A aj keď som išla priamo domov, ako som preboha dokázala prestáť celú cestu v preplnenom autobuse v štekličkách?? Asi to nikdy nepochopím. Prvého pol roka na výške mi tento zvyk ešte ako tak pretrval - ale predsa len, fungovať tak naprieč celým Berlínom je trošku iné ako pendlovať medzi Devínskou a Dúbravkou (dve susediace mestské časti v Bratislave) a tak som si začala zas zvykať na nosenie tenisiek a .. no, vlastne len tenisiek. A časom prišli na radu aj rôzne fotky šlapiek a sliponov. A tento look sme spárovali s tými najšialenejšími šlapkami, aké som doteraz na nohách mala a boli to tieto fialové chlpaté šlapky od Rihanny pre Pumu. Priznám sa, že tento outfit, ako mnohé iné, nepatrí zrovna k tým, ktoré si viem tak úplne predstaviť bežne nosiť. Je na mňa možno až príliš uletený. Zároveň však musím povedať, že ma takéto expetimenty bavia, práve tu na blogu. Niekedy sa predsa treba trochu odviazať!
Čo na tento look hovoríte?
I totally love dresses with anything but heels! you did a perfect job :)
Personally I'm NOT a fan of heels (not to me, at least), I think the outfit is very cool :-)