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by Petra Dzvoníková

August 12, 2017


more of us on Instagram under the hashtag 2plusyou

Hi guys! All of the posts I wanted to post this week have been stuck half-way, because I feel like I had absolutely no free time to do anything this week apart from my regular job and running errands. This week has flown by so quickly and I didn't even realise that it is Friday already, until I remembered that Viktor is leaving for a bachelor party today afternoon. And for the first time ever since we live together (must be approximately a year now) I am spending the night at home without him. At least I have Whiskey, right? For those who don't know, Whiskey is our dog. 

And so I thought that apart from just missing him, I could at least share this new family portrait with you and tell you a little about us and our relationship. I have chosen just a couple of questions which people have already asked and might interest you as well. 

Ahojte! Všetky posty, ktoré som chcela tento týždeň dať na blog, sa zasekli niekde v polovici. Mám dojem, že som nemala žiaden voľný čas, buď som pracovala, alebo som niečo vybavovala. A okrem toho tento týždeň ubehol ako voda a ja som si ani neuvedomila, že už je piatok .. až kým som si nespomenula, že Viktor dnes odchádza na rozlúčku so slobou (nie jeho, haha) rozlúčku so slobodou. A po prvý krát odkedy spolu žijeme (teraz to bude tak rok) trávim noc doma bez neho. Aspoň že mám Whiskey, však? Pre tých čo nevedia, Whiskey je náš psík. 

A tak som si povedala, že keď už si tu tak za ním smútim, ukážem vám aspoň našu novú rodinnú fotku a poviem vám niečo o našom vzťahu. Vybrala som pár otázok, ktoré sa ma ľudia pýtajú a možno budú zaujímať aj vás. 

How long are you guys together? 

We have set the official beginning of our relationship to 1. May 2016. We were not sure which date to consider as the "start" of being together, because even though we have been spending a huge amount of time together, we never officially said that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, just started calling ourselves that as time went by. And since 1. May might have been the time we first held hands in public and is easy to remember, we chose it as our anniversary, haha. It's also a national holiday here in Slovakia, which means that we can always have the day off - practical, right? 

Where did you meet? 

We met at work. I started working there a month earlier than Viktor and he instantly caught my eye (turns our he thought I was cute as well) the first time I saw him. But since he had a long term girlfriend at the time, I put him on my "no-go" list. They broke up and I was the last to know. A year later, we got the chance to go on a business trip together and .. well, we are together since then. 

How much time do you spend together? 

Usually, we spend 24 hours a day together. Both of us work from home for the same company and after work, we usually do something together, apart from when Viktor goes to the gym. On those days it's only 21,5 hours, haha. 

How old are you? 

Viktor is currently 29 and I just turned 24, so there is a 5 year difference between us. 

Who took the first step? 

To be honest with you, this one is kind of hard to decide. I think that I took the first step in wanting to get to know him better and started talking more to him at work. I also switched my shifts to be able to have 2 of 3 shifts with him, haha. I also took the first step regarding us going on a business trip together (I manipulated a little bit, haha. Will let you know more about that later). But he took the first step to actually get things to the next level. 

Ako dlho ste spolu? 

Dohodli sme sa, že začiatok nášho vzťahu budeme počítať od 1. Mája 2016. Neboli sme si istý, ktorý dátum vybrať ako "začiatok", pretože napriek tomu že sme sa stretávali a boli spolu, dlho sme neboli v "oficiálnom" vzťahu. A keďže 1. Máj sa ľahko zapamätá a ešte je to aj sviatok, tak sme si vybrali tento deň. Myslím, že je to prvý deň kedy sme sa držali za ruky na verejnosti, haha. 

Kde ste sa spoznali? 

Stretli me sa v robote. Ja som pre tú firmu začala robiť o mesiac skôr ako Viktor a hneď ako som ho uvidela ma zaujal (a ako som sa neskôr dozvedela, aj ja som sa mu už od začiatku páčila). Ale keďže bol v dlhodobom vzťahu, vyškrtla som ho hneď zo zoznamu možných adeptov. Keď sa rozišli, bola som snáď posledná, ktorá sa o tom dozvedela. A asi rok potom sme mali možnosť ísť spolu na služobnú cestu a odvtedy sme vlastne spolu. 

Koľko času spolu trávite? 

Väčšinou sme spolu 24 hodín denne. Obaja pracujeme z domu pre tú istú firmu po práci často robíme niečo spoločne. Jedine keď chodí Viktor do posilky sme spolu menej, len takých 21,5 hodín, haha. 

Koľko máte rokov? 

Viktor má 29 a ja som pred nedávnom oslávila svoje 24. narodeniny, takže je medzi nami 5 ročný rozdiel. 

Kto spravil prvý krok? 

Ak mám byť úprimná, toto sa mi ťažko hodnotí. Myslím, že ja som spravila prvý krok k tomu, aby som ho lepšie spoznala a začala som sa s ním v práci viac rozprávať. Takisto som si zmenila šichty podľa jeho, aby sme dve z troch šícht mali spolu, haha. Takisto som spravila prvý krok k tomu, aby sme spolu šli na tú spomínanú služobku (trošku som čo-to zmanipulovala, ale o tom inokedy). A on spravil prvý krok k tomu, aby sa medzi nami niečo stalo. 


  1. Super článok! Určite budem sledovať ďalej!:)

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