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by Petra Dzvoníková

July 23, 2017


Dress: H&M | Bag: Kenzo Paris | Shoes: Asos 

Hi guys! Here is a new outfitpost with my new hair. About a week ago, I gave up my fight with blonde hair. Even though it was not as hard as the fight with red hair, but I've had enough! Fortunately, the bleaching process did not damage my hair all too much (I am lucky to have inherited my grandads hair, which is thick and can withstand almost anything), but I was just at the end with my nerves. Each time I colored my hair, it was blonde until I have washed it. As soon as I did, it went orange again. So I decided to take a step back and begin the process of going back to my natural color - brown. Of course not the dark brown I have naturally, or the even darker one I used to wear back in winter (here or here). I want to experiment with other brown tones for now. This time, I went for a light brown and achieved it with the help of Garnier Color Naturals - let's see how long I can stick with it.

Other than that, I have some other news as well. I am learning to work with Lightroom from Adobe. I have been working with Photoshop for years now, started with CS3, worked my way up to CS5 and through CS6 to CC. When it comes to Lightroom, I wanted to give it a chance some time ago already, back when we started shooting pictures in RAW format, but I gave it up after a while. It was so uncomplicated, that it became complicated for me, being used to PS. Not sure if you know what I mean, haha. Anyway, I gave it a chance again and I think I could get used to it .. I just have to be patient. These pictures have been edited in Lightroom with the help of presets I have downloaded as a free starterpack.

Do you like them? 

Ahojte! Mám tu pre vás nový outfit post a s ním aj nové vlasy. Pred približne týždňom a pol som vzdala svoj boj s blond vlasmi. Ten síce nebol až tak ťažký ako ten s červenou, ale tiež už som mala dosť. Našťastie mi odfarbovanie vlasy až tak nezničilo (po dedovi z otcovej strany som totiž zdedila kvalitný vlasový základ), no nemala som už nervy po každom umytí vlasov riešiť, že sú zas oranžové. A to si fakt nerobím srandu - vždy keď som na ne hodila nový nános blond farby, boli chvíľu blond a po prvom umývaní vlasov zas chytili ten hrozný oranžový nádych, ktorý na mne vôbec nevyzerá dobre. A tak som sa rozhodla vykročiť smerom naspäť k mojej farbe a tou je hnedá. Samozrejme, bola by škoda vrátiť sa až k tak tmavému odtieňu ako som nosila pred blond (príklad tu alebo tu) a preto trochu experimentujem aj s inými odieňmi. Momentálne som spokojná s touto bledohnedou od Garnier color naturals a uvidíme, ako dlho mi vydrží kým ma prestane baviť. 

Okrem toho mám ešte jednu novinku a tou je že a učím robiť s Lightroomom od Adobe. Doteraz som vždy robila len s Photoshopom, začínala som na CS3ke a postupne som sa prepracovala cez CS5 a CS6 až k CCčku. Čo sa týka lightroomu, skúšala som sa s ním učiť robiť keď sme začali fotiť do RAW formátu, no veľmi rýchlo som to vzdala. Oproti photoshopu bol pre mňa tento program tak jednoduchý, že bol až zložitý. Znie to asi dosť humorne, ja viem, ale možno predsa len viete, ako to myslím. Každopádne, teraz som mu opäť dala šancu a myslím, že si naňho zvyknem. Napríklad tieto fotky som upravovala v Lightroome s pomocou presetov, ktoré som stiahla ako starter pack. 

Čo na ne hovoríte? 


  1. to sú úplne rozkošné šatičky a nádherné fotografie!
    neskutočne ti to na nich pristane! :).

    KEJMY ♥.

  2. Pěkný outfit. Barva vlasů je fajn!

  3. You look great on each and every photo. But the only thing I'd change or made better is enhance photo a bit. I think that would create some new colors in it.



