Please, have a look at the following video before you scroll through the pictures // Prosím pozrite si toto video predtým, ako prescrollujete fotky

Top, shorts & sunglasses: Pull & Bear | Shoes: Napapijri | Phonecase: River Island | Fries: Orbis
If you have watched the embedded video above and then looked at the pictures, you know why I asked you to do that. The first thing I thought of when Stuby sent me these pictures was this song, which he also directed, shot and postproduced. He also took and edited these pictures and I think that after seeing these pictures, as well as the video and the pictures from day 2, you will have a pretty good idea of what his aesthetic is. And I LOVE IT! It's so much different than what my natural aesthetic is, but I love it. It's intriguing to me, so interesting and yet so dirty and street, but artistic. I am not sure if I can quite put into words what I am trying to tell you. All in all, I am extremely happy that these pictures came to be and I need to go shoot with Stuby in the near future again! Oh and not to forget, I am so so happy that you loved the first batch of our collab pictures! Thanks so much for your feedback guys!!!
Do you like these as well? // Petush by Stubyshit Day 1
Ak ste si najprv pozreli video a až potom fotky, pochopili ste prečo som to po vás chcela. Prvá vec na ktorú som myslela po tom, ako som sa pozrela na tieto fotky, bola práve táto pesnička a jej videoklip - ktorý točil a postprodukoval práve Stuby, ktorý fotil a editoval tieto fotky. Myslím že po zhliadnutí týchto fotiek, videa hore a aj fotiek z prvého dňa ste si mohli vytvoriť obraz o Stubyho estetike. Ja osobne ju ZBOŽŇUJEM! Je tak odlišná od estetiky, ktorá je prirodzená mne, no napriek tomu sa mi neskutočne páči! Je pre mňa pútavá, zaujímavá, špinavá a streetová, ale zároveň umelecká. Neviem či sa mi darí slovami opísať to, čo by som chcela. Každopádne som strašne rada, že tieto fotky mohli vzniknúť a dúfam, že sa mi čoskoro podarí ísť so Stubym fotiť zas. A aby som nezabudla, som strašne rada, že sa vám prvá dávka fotiek tak páčila, vás feedback ma strašne potešil!!!
Čo hovoríte na tieto fotky? // Petush by Stubyshit Day 1
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