Hi guys! I have a new #inlovewith post for you and this time, it's a very recent favorite. When I was getting rid of my colored hair some time ago and colored it a lighter color (which does not show at all, but it's still there), I decided that I needed to get some real good shampoo and hair masks in order not to get my hair completely damaged. I have never had a shampoo with which I was 100% happy. Most of them never did what they promised, or they made my hair too oily, or they started giving me dandruff.
However, I have had my eye on the Aussie shampoo for quite some time. I had a salt spray from them once and was pretty happy with it. So I decided to give these a chance. As it turns out, they are the perfect choice for my hair - and for my nose, haha. The smell is absolutely amazing! It reminds me of something sweet .. like bubble gum, or some other candy. And it does wonders to my hair.
My hair feels much better than it did before, it is smooth and I feel like the ends of my hair are doing much better than they were before. I feel a little crazy saying that, since I never believed that hair product are actually able to "repair" hair, just to prevent it from becoming damaged. After my latest hair experiments, my ends felt dead and I the only thing I thought would help was cutting them off. However, now I feel like that will not be necessary anymore and I can let my hair grow, which is an amazing feeling!
So if you have damaged hair and looking for a quick repair which smells great, make sure to try out the Aussie Repair Miracle Shampoo & Conditioner. It's made with Australian Macadamia Nut oil, Jojoba-seed oil and Avocado oil (that sounds absolutely delicious, doesn't it?). What I also fell in love with is the Aussie Philosophy Slogan:
"There's more to life than hair but it's a good place to start"
Už dlhšiu dobu som rozmýšľala nad šampónom od Aussie, pretože som od nich raz mala salt spray a bola som s ním celkom spokojná. Tak som sa konečne rozhodla dať šancu aj šampónu. A vyzerá to tak, že som konečne našla to pravé orechové pre moje vlasy - a pre môj nos tiež. Voňajú totiž geniálne! Vôňa mi pripomína žuvačky, alebo nejaké iné dobré cukríky. A okrem toho tento šampón neskutočne prospieva mojim vlasom.
Sú oveľa živšie ako predtým, sú jemnejšie a hlavne končeky vlasov sa majú skvelo. Cítim sa trochu zvláštne keď to píšem, pretože ja som nikdy neverila na to, že vlasové produkty dokážu "opraviť" vlasy, maximálne že ich dokážu ochrániť pred zničením. Po mojich posledných vlasových experimentoch boli končeky mojich vlasov tak zničené, že som si myslela, že jediným riešením by bolo ich ostrihanie. Po používaní týchto produktov mám však pocit, že to už nebude treba a že môžem nechať moje vlasy slobodne rásť ďalej!
Takže ak máte zničené vlasy a hľadáte ich rýchlu opravu a oživenie, jednoznačne by ste mali dať šancu Aussie Repair Miracle šampónu a kondicionéru. Je vyrobený z oleja z makadamových orechov, jojobových semiačok a avokáda (to zie dosť chutne, či?). Do čoho som sa takisto zaľúbila je slogan Aussie filozofie:
"There's more to life than hair but it's a good place to start"
(Voľný preklad: V živote nejde len o vlasy, ale nie je na škodu nimi začať)
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