Hi guys! Yesterday, we have visited Viktorko's parents and of course, took some pictures (well other than stuffing outselves with food and drinks). In this case, especially pictures of their cute dogs. They are both Belgian shepherds, one if them a blondie, the other one a brunette. They have been pretty tired the whole time we were there and mostly sleeping or lounging around, but we managed to get some pretty nice photos anyway. How did you spend Easter Monday?
PS: You can see what I was wearing in this ootd post.
Ahojte! Včera sme boli na návšteve u Viktorkových rodičov a samozrejme, foťák v ruke nám nechýbal. A fotili sme najmä ich psíky - oba sú belgické ovčiaky, jedna je však blondýna a druhá brunetka. Boli unavené a takmer celý čas buď spali, alebo sa povaľovali naokolo. Napriek tomu sa nám podarilo zachytiť pár pekných záberov. Ako ste vy trávili Veľkonočný pondelok?
PS: Čo som mala na sebe môžete vidieť v tomto ootd poste.

Via is my girl - she has the same haircolor. Or to be more particular - all of our 50 hair colors are the same, haha!
Via je moja parťáčka - má totiž rovnakú farbu vlasov. Alebo aby som bola presnejšia - máme rovnakých všetkých 50 farieb vlasov, haha!

And this is the face I absolutely adore ▼ ♥

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