In the second edition of #inlovewith, I have decided to tell you about something I love in topic fashion (the last part was about the fujifilm instax camera), particularly, about fishnet tights. This trend has been very popular in the last couple of months, I have been in love with it for years already. Fishnets, like studded belts are things, which I have wanted to own since I was a little girl.
I think that the first time I came in contact with fishnet tights was when I was 6 years old, in my aunts closet in the USA. I am not sure, but I think I remember bringing them back with me to Slovakia. Thinking back, I must have looked pretty funny in them. Just like I must have looked when I used to try on high heels which were way too big for me, or my moms dresses ..
When I got older, I finally bought my own fishnet tights - black ones, since I only like them in black. I wore them under ripped jeans, or with dresses which look more like potato sacks than dresses - simply said, always with something not so sexy. I am of the opinion that sexy pieces of clothing combined together might not always look sexy in the end.
I think that the first time I came in contact with fishnet tights was when I was 6 years old, in my aunts closet in the USA. I am not sure, but I think I remember bringing them back with me to Slovakia. Thinking back, I must have looked pretty funny in them. Just like I must have looked when I used to try on high heels which were way too big for me, or my moms dresses ..
When I got older, I finally bought my own fishnet tights - black ones, since I only like them in black. I wore them under ripped jeans, or with dresses which look more like potato sacks than dresses - simply said, always with something not so sexy. I am of the opinion that sexy pieces of clothing combined together might not always look sexy in the end.
I mostly like fishnet tights when they are worn in a "grunge" style (as you can see in most of the pictures above), or like my platonic love Effy Stonem from Skins wore them.
So what do you think about fishnet tights? I was very surprised to find out that many people seem to find them slutty or offensive, at least here in Slovakia.
So what do you think about fishnet tights? I was very surprised to find out that many people seem to find them slutty or offensive, at least here in Slovakia.
V druhej časti #inlovewith som sa rozhodla povenovať sa móde (naposledy to bolo o fujifilm instax foťáku), konkrétne outfitom s fishnet pančuškami. Tento trend sa v poslednej dobe na Slovensku celkom rozmohol, ja som ho mala rada a nosila už pár rokov. Fishnety, spolu s vybíjanými opaskami patria k veciam, ktoré ma fascinovali už od malička a vždy som ich chcela vlastniť.
Myslím, že prvý krát som s nimi prišla do kontaktu keď som mala 6 rokov v šatníku mojej tety v USA a už vtedy som si ich navliekala a neviem, či som si ich náhodou aj neodniesla so sebou naaspäť na Slovensko. Keď tak spätne rozmýšľam, asi som musela vyzerať fakt komicky. Asi tak ako keď som si obúvala mne príliš veľké topánky na podpätku, alebo nosila mamine šaty ktorých výstrih som mala asi tak po pupok ..
Keď som však trochu dospela a zadovážila som si svoje prvé vlastné - a čierne, pretože iné sa mi prestali páčiť, začala som ich nosiť pod roztrahané rifle, alebo ku šatám, ktoré sa podobajú skôr na vrece zemiakov, ako na šaty. Držím sa totiž zásady, že príliš veľa sexi (alebo sexy? hmm .. podľa jazykovej poradne sú správne oba tvary. teraz mám ešte väčšiu dilemu ..) vecí tvorí veľmi "nesexi" celok.
Najviac sa mi fishnety páčia v takom "grunge" štýle (ako sa dá vyčítať z fotiek ktoré som použila v inspo-boarde hore), alebo tak, ako ich mala na sebe moja platonická láska Effy Stonem zo seriálu Skins.
Čo hovoríte vy na fishnet pančuchy? V poslednej dobe sa mi zdá, že sú taká celkom kontroverzná téma. Najmä po tom, čo som si čítala komentáre na Facebooku k článku od Refresheru k tomuto trendu, v ktorých sa neustále opakovalo, že ženy v nich vyzerajú ako prostitútky a je to nechutné a lacné ..
Me in fishnets .. // Ja a fishnets ..
And I also have to show you my beloved Effy ♥
A nedá mi to neukázať vám na záver aj už vyššie spomínanú Effy ♥
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