Coat: Zara | Turtleneck: River Island | Jeans: Zara | Shoes: Adidas Originals Croco | Bag: Asos | Sunglasses: Forever 21 | Lipstick: Kylie Cosmetics Exposed
I LOVE THIS OUTFIT POST! I love the outfit and its simplicity, I love the location, I loved the weather on the day we took these pictures. It was the first time we were shooting an outfit while it was sunny and even though it was kind of windy, I was so comfortable! At least compared with all previous outfit photoshootings.
Also, it inspired me to want to cut my hair in this style. I am used to cutting my hair into a long bob, but I would love this length as well. Maybe a different color? Lighter brown? What do you think? And do you like this look? Let me know in the comments below!
PS: I remember that back when I had Petush's (my old blog), I used to want to have some "jumping" pictures of some outfits, because I have seen models taking those kinds of pictures in editorials. I was never able to get a good jumping picture and that's why I am so excited that this one came out so well! Here also a boomerang of the jump from our making of.
MILUJEM TENTO OUTFIT POST! Zbožňujem tento outfit a jeho jednoduchosť, zbožňujem ako k nemu pasuje miesto na ktorom sme fotili a zbožňujem, že v tento deň bolo krásne počasie. Vlastne to bolo prvé fotenie outfitu, kedy svietilo slnko a aj napriek tomu, že fúkalo, som sa super cítila pohodlne! Teda najmä v porovnaní s tým, ako som sa cítila pri fotení všetkých predošlých outfitov.
Okrem toho sa cítim inšpirovaná ostrihať si takto vlasy. Som zvyknutá si strihať vlasy na dlhý bob, ale táto dĺžka by sa mi tiež veľmi páčila. Možno v inej farbe? Bledšej hnedej? Čo vy na to? Páči sa vám tento look? Povedzte mi vás názor v komentoch!
PS: Pamätám sa, že keď som fotievala na môj starý blog Petush's, chcela som sem-tam nafotiť nejaké "skokové" fotky outfitov. Videla som to v pár editoriáloch a veľmi sa mi to páčilo. Nikdy sa mi nepodarilo však také fotky spraviť a preto som strašne rada, že sa nám teraz zadarili! Tu je dokonca aj boomerang toho skoku z nášho making of.
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