Hi guys! So I decided to create a new topic on the blog called - in love with. I am gonna be showing you products which caught my interest, or which I am using and loving for a longer time already.
In the first "in love with", I would like to introduce you to my instax mini 8 camera. I always wanted to get a camera which printed out photos right away so last year during my business trip, I decided to get one.
I have to admit that I didn't use it as much as I would like to, because when I moved in with my boyfriend, the camera stayed at my parents' place. Last week I finally took it here with me and decided to take it with me more often. What inspired me was a vlog by Negin Mirsalehi, where she showed how she framed her polaroid pictures. She had at least one picture from each of her trips.
When I bought my camera, I got some accessories for it right away - a bag, some picture frames, photo album, stickers, lens filters .. you can see some of it on the picture below, or look at the whole set by clicking the link at the bottom of the post.
I definitely recommend investing in something like this if you like taking pictures and want a little break from digital photos. And I think that it can also be an amazing present! What do you think? Which color do you like the most?
In the first "in love with", I would like to introduce you to my instax mini 8 camera. I always wanted to get a camera which printed out photos right away so last year during my business trip, I decided to get one.
I have to admit that I didn't use it as much as I would like to, because when I moved in with my boyfriend, the camera stayed at my parents' place. Last week I finally took it here with me and decided to take it with me more often. What inspired me was a vlog by Negin Mirsalehi, where she showed how she framed her polaroid pictures. She had at least one picture from each of her trips.
When I bought my camera, I got some accessories for it right away - a bag, some picture frames, photo album, stickers, lens filters .. you can see some of it on the picture below, or look at the whole set by clicking the link at the bottom of the post.
I definitely recommend investing in something like this if you like taking pictures and want a little break from digital photos. And I think that it can also be an amazing present! What do you think? Which color do you like the most?
Ahojte! Rozhodla som sa, že na blogu spustím novú rubriku - in love with. Budem v nej predstavovať produkty, ktoré ma zaujali, alebo ktoré už dlhšiu dobu používam a prirástli mi k srdiečku.
V prvom "in love with" by som vám rada predstavila môj foťáčik instax mini 8, alebo ako by ho nazvali v slovenských shopoch - digitálny fotoaparát na okamžité snímky. Už odmalička som túžila po foťáku ktorý rovno vytlačí fotku a tak som si ho na služobke pred približne rokom konečne kúpila.
Priznám sa, že veľa som s ním nefotila, pretože keď som sa odsťahovala k priateľovi, foťáčik ostal u mojich rodičov. Minulú sobotu som si ho ale konečne vzala so sebou sem a rozhodla som sa ho brať so sebou častejšie. Inšpirovala ma k tomu Negin Mirsalehi svojím vlogom, kde ukazovala, ako si takéto fotky dáva do rámiku a má vlastne z každého výletu zachytenú minimálne jednu fotku.
Keď som z Amazonu kupovala foťáčik, brala som k nemu rovno aj obal - taštičku a set doplnkov: rámiky na fotky, mini-fotoalbum, akési nálepky, rôzne filtre na objektív .. niečo z toho môžete vidiet na fotke nižšie, celý set nájdete na Amazone (link na spodu článku).
Určite vám odporúčam do niečoho takéhoto investovať, ak radi fotíte a chcete trochu zmenu od klasických digitálnych fotiek. A takisto si myslím, že to môže byť pre niekoho skvelý darček! Čo vy na to? V ktorej farbe sa vám najviac páči?
This camera is on my wishlist as well!