Hat: Marc Jacobs Amsterdam | Coat: Zara | Bag & Shoes: Fenty Creepers by Rihanna for Puma | Hoodie: Nerieš Merch | Jeans: Topshop | Fishnets: Koloria Bratislava | Lipstick: Kylie Jenner Ginger
This outfit is the most "typical me" there is. A little hip hop, a little class, a little sex, a little black and a little beige. Sneakers, ripped skinny jeans and a beanie .. plus fishnets. If I would have to choose an outfit I would have to wear for the rest of my life, this would be it. It combines so many things I love and could write long, separate posts about .. so I won't get into particulars now.
However, I will say this - Fenty Creepers are the cutest sneakers I have seen in ages and they are in my opinion the new classics. Oh, and ginger is my favorite Kylie Cosmetics lipkit!
PS: If you are wondering why one of my cheeks is so much redder then the other, it's because it was so damn windy under that bridge! I could not feel my left side afterwards at all! Viktorka and Viktorko wanted to WALK (!!!) from her house to the bridge, not realizing how cold it would get once we were there and until we found the perfect spot. You know what was the first thing Viktorka said once we got back into my car? "Now, that car wasn't such a bad idea after all." .. Well well, it's not my first time doing this blogging thing, so I know how shooting winter outfits can sometimes get.
Tento outfit je najviac "typická ja" ako sa len dá. Trochu hip hop, trochu úroveň, trochu sex, trochu čierny a trochu béžový. Tenisky, skinny jeans a beanie .. a fishnety. Ak by som si musela vybrať oblečenie, v ktorom by som strávila zvyšok svojho života, bol by to práve tento outfit. Kombinuje toľko vecí, ktoré milujem a o ktorých by som mohla napísať separátne, dlhé posty .. takže teraz to do hĺbky rozoberať nebudem.
Každopádne, dodám ešte - Fenty Creepersy sú podľa mňa najzlatšie tenisky, aké som za strašne dlhú dobu videla a sú to nové klasiky. A Ginger je môj obľúbený lip kit od Kylie!
PS: Ak sa čudujete, prečo mám jedno líce červenšie ako druhé, je to preto, že pod tým mostom fúkal strašne studený veter! Viktorka s Viktorkom chceli ísť od nej z domu PEŠI (!!!), čo som samozrejme zatrhla. Vôbec si neuvedomovalo, ako chladno by bolo, kým by sme tam prišli a našli ideálne miesto na fotenie. A viete čo Viki povedala ako prvé keď sme sadli naspäť do auta? "Hmm, to auto nebol až taký zlý nápad." .. Well well, nie je to môj prvý krát čo sa venujem blogovaniu a preto veľmi dobre viem, aké niekedy môže byť fotenie zimných outfitov.
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