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by Petra Dzvoníková

March 5, 2017


Hi guys! Did I ever mention that I was in love with bodys? Od bodies? Damn, both ways of writing that look kind of weird to me. Never mind, you know what I mean. Overall, I like wearing tight clothes and I think bodies (I am just gonna keep writing it this way) are perfect in combinations with skirts, shorts and also pants/jeans. I also like wearing them just like that when I am home - often with knee-high socks, since I don't really like being barefoot. 

That's why I decided it was time to get a new one for my wardrobe, together with some new knee-highs. I didn't have to think long as to where to buy from, because I was very interested in getting something from the clothing brand Klotink. It's quite a new (2015) Slovakian streetwear brand, whose clothing is being produced in Slovakia and Czech Republic only. You can read more about them here. Although I am not sure if their website can be switched to EN, so .. maybe you can't. 

Klotink was a clear choice, because I think it is important to support local brands which deserve it. And they definitely do. Even though I like to dress very differently, depending on my mood, I like streetwear the most. Which they offer plenty of. 

The only reservation I have about the stuff I have ordered is the closing of the body. It's similar to the way bras are closed (detail here) and it kind of scratches my inner thighs. But maybe that's also because of the weird way my ass is built, haha. Everything I wear keeps stretching upwards - shorts, skirts, bodies. I know it might sound weird, but when I have high waisted shorts and Sonka puts them on, they fit her perfectly without any of her ass sticking out. As apposed to when I put them on, half of my ass is out and they are pretty tight down there (camel toe alert!!). Isn't this TMI? I guess it is. 

A great time to end this post. Make sure to check out, here the direct links to the stuff I got - socks and body

Ahojte! Už som niekedy spomínala, že milujem bodies? Alebo "bodička", ako sa to tuším nazýva najnovšie na Slovensku? Celkovo väčšinou veľmi rada nosím obtiahnuté veci a bodies mi prídu ideálne .. k sukniam, šortkám aj k nohaviciam. A na doma aj len tak samé o sebe, najradšej s podkolienkami - nerada som úplne bosá. 

Preto som sa pred nedávnom rozhodla zaobstarať si nové body aj podkolienky. Nebolo treba dlho rozmýšľať že odkiaľ, pretože už dávnejšie ma na instagrame zaujala značka Klotink. Je to pomerne nová (2015) streetwearová značka pochádzajúca zo Slovenska, ktorej oblečenie sa už šije výhradne len na Slovensku a v Čechách. Viac sa môžete dozvedieť na ich stránke

Klotink bol pre mňa jasná voľba, pretože chcem podporovať aj domácke značky o ktorých si myslím, že si to zaslúžia. A oni k nim jednoznačne patria. Aj napriek tomu, že môj štýl je veľmi rozmanitý, najradšej mám predsa len streetové veci, ktorých je v ich shope neúrekom. 

Mám k veciam jedinú výhradu a to, že zapínanie body ma trochu omíňa. Je totiž robené na štýl zapínania podprsenky (detail tu) a mňa osobne škriabe na vnútornej strane stehien. Možno to však súvisí aj s tým, že mám taký pofidérny zadok a všetko sa mi trochu vyťahuje hore - šortky, sukne, bodies. Viem že to možno znie divne, ale keď si napríklad Soňa oblečie moje high waisted šortky, padnú jej tak akurát a netrčí jej ani kúsok zadku. Zatiaľ čo keď si ich dám ja, trčí mi polovica zadku a trooooošku sa mi zarezávajú (camel toe alert!!). Okay, no .. toto možno už hraničí s too much information. 

Uzatvorila by som to tým, že treba skúsiť, ako vám veci padnú, vrátiť sa predsa dajú tak či tak do 14 dní od zakúpenia, takže za pokus nič nedáte. Doslovne. Určite si pozrite stránku Klotink a všetky ich produkty, tu sú ešte direct linky na moje body a podkolienky

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