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by Petra Dzvoníková

December 7, 2017


Hi guys! Approximately a week before I was writing this post I found out that I was pregnant. Well .. I kind of knew it sooner, because I could feel there was something different, but it was confirmed by "the two stripes" on Friday 27.10.2017. I really like the date! And then confirmed by a doctor on Halloween, October 31st, which is also the day of my boyfriend's parent's anniversary. 

First, I thought of making a video of all of it - to capture our reactions, our feelings on camera, so that I could look back on those first moments of finding out. At the same time, those were really intimate moments, which were intense for both me and Viktor and it's kind of nice that for a while, we shared them only with each other and nobody else. 

Even though the pregnancy was not really planned, we didn't do anything to avoid it, if you know what I mean. It was all kind of spontaneous, especially me getting off the pill. And so here it is, our little bun in the oven. To be quite honest with you, I kind of felt it since end of September. I did a pregnancy test back then, but it was negative, but it must have been like two or three days later that the test would have been positive. My cycle was kind of off because of getting off the pill. 

Nevertheless, when I took it now, it was positive very quickly and surely. Both of the tests I took were. My first reaction was a huge smile and tears in my eyes. After all, back in September, I was quite sure the test would be positive and that's why I was kind of sad when it wasn't. I had early symptoms and I just didn't know what else they would have been. So now that both stripes appeared on the stick right away, it was a sigh of relief .. I mean, my appetite for chocolate, which I was never that fond of, has been finally explained - I was eating a whole bar of Milka chocolate alone at once! It was now clear to me why I had more frequent headaches than I was used to and also why I was feeling cramps which I was unsure of where they came from. I didn't know if they were pre-menstrual cramps, or belly ache .. now I knew. Also, I knew why I felt so bloated and why my breasts were really sore and grew a bit and why I had weird spots on my forehead which I never had before, not even during puberty. Oh and not to forget, I finally had an explanation for my moodiness, which was driving me nuts! 

But most importantly, the reason for my smile was the fact that I was carrying a little baby inside my belly, which I "created" together with the most amazing man in the whole world. I am going to be a mother! When I got out of the toilet with the "two stripes", I just couldn't say a word. I gave it to Viktor and when he asked what it meant, I just pushed the instructions into his hands as well. I wasn't able to speak at the moment. He looked really surprised .. shocked even. At the same time, he was happy. For me, the shock was not as big, because as mentioned earlier, I just kind of "knew" even before taking the test. We hugged and I felt really close to him at that moment. Even though there were many unanswered questions in the air at the moment, one thing was clear. We are going to be parents! 

That was Friday evening, after I made Viktor go to the drug store and buy me a pregnancy test, after my period was late for the second time already. On Monday, I wanted to go to my doctor, but she was on sick leave, so I waited till Tuesday to go to a doctor who my dad knows, in another city. She asked me what problem I had and I told her that there was none - just that I had two positive pregnancy tests. I sat in the gynaecologist chair and right away, she showed me our little Vladko (that's how we are calling the baby at the moment, haha) on the monitor. He was approximately 2cm long and had a heartbeat. She asked me if we should call in the dad and of course, I agreed. As Viktor came in, it was his first time seeing a gynaecologist's office and a women in that chair with her legs up .. it must have been a very surprising sight for him, as he didn't expect it and did not have any idea how it looked at the gynaecologist. I think that seeing the baby on the monitor was shocking for him, because he still couldn't believe we were pregnant. 

We got a printed out sonogram and I was looking at it the whole ride home. Of course we also started discussing how we were gonna tell our parents. We first told mine, then his. I will let you know how it went in my next post. 

Until then my loves!

Disclaimer: This post was written almost a month ago.

Ahojte! Približne týždeň predtým, ako píšem tento článok, som sa dozvedela, že som tehotná. Teda .. ja som to tak tušila už aj skôr, pretože som v sebe cítila rôzne zmeny a príznaky, ale potvrdené "dvoma čiarkami" som to dostala v piatok, 27.10.2017 - čo je podľa mňa krásny dátum! A potom v utorok, na Halloween a zároveň v deň 30. výročia svadby priateľových rodičov, som bola u lekárky a dostala som to potvrdené. 

Pôvodne som to všetko chcela točiť na video, naše reakcie, naše pocity, pretože som to chcela mať aj sama pre seba zachytené, ale nakoniec z toho zišlo. Predsa len, boli to momenty, ktoré sme zažívali intenzívne aj ja, aj Viktor a je krásne, že sme ich chvíľu zdieľali len my dvaja spolu. 

Napriek tomu, že sme "to" neplánovali, nebránili sme sa "tomu". Určite viete, čo tým chcem povedať. Všetko to prišlo tak nejak spontánne, aj moje vysadenie antikoncepcie, aj všetko ostatné a tak je to tu. Ak mám byť úprimná, ja som to cítila už koncom Septembra, vtedy mi však tehotenský test vyšiel negatívny. Musela som sa teda seknúť naozaj len o pár dní (po vysadení antikoncepcie som si netrackovala svoje dni a preto som nemala prehľad, kedy presne by sa mali dostaviť v Septembri), dva-tri dni neskôr by už test určite musel byť pozitívny. 

Každopádne, tentokrát bol veľmi rýchlo a veľmi jednoznačne pozitívny, teda oba, ktoré som si spravila. Moja prvotná reakcia bol obrovský úsmev a slzy v očiach. Tým, že som v sebe cítila zmeny, bola som si takmer istá už v Septembri, že sa na teste objavia dve čiarky. Keď sa tak nestalo, bola som trochu sklamaná, pretože som nevedela, čo sa to so mnou teda deje .. preto keď sa teraz dve čiarky objavili, vydýchla som si. Konečne sa tým vysvetľovala moja obrovská chuť na čokoládu, ktorú som nikdy neobľubovala a teraz som dokázala zjesť celé balenie Milky na posedenie. Už som pochopila, prečo som mala bolesti hlavy častejšie, ako predtým a takisto prečo som pociťovala jemné kŕče, ktoré som nevedela priradiť. Nevedela som, či to má byť príchod menštruácie, alebo bolesť žalúdka, alebo ešte niečo iné. A vlastne sa tým vysvetľovalo aj to, prečo som sa cítila nafúknutá, prečo som mala tak neskutočne ubolené (a podrastené) prsia a prečo sa mi na čele vyhodili malé vyrážky, ktoré som nikdy, ani počas puberty, nemávala! A aby som nezabudla, vysvetľovali sa tým aj moje nálady - hormóny skákali hore dole a ja som sa z toho išla zblázniť. 

V prvom rade však moja usmievavá reakcia súvisela s tým, že som sa potešila .. nosím pod srdcom malého človiečika, ktorého sme stvorili spolu s tým najúžasnejším mužom na svete! Budem matka! Keď som vyšla zo záchodu s "dvoma prúžkami", nedokázala som nič povedať, proste som tehotenský test podala do ruky Viktorovi a keď nechápal, čo to znamená, vtisla som mu do rúk aj návod. Fakt som nevedela rozprávať. Vyzeral prekvapený, teda .. skôr šokovaný a nechcel tomu veriť, ale zároveň sa tešil. Pre mňa to bol oveľa menší šok ako preňho, pretože ako som už spomínala - cítila som, že sa tam dole niečo deje. Objali sme sa a v tom momente som sa k nemu cítila tak blízko. Napriek tomu, že v tom momente vo vzduchu viselo asi milión otázok, jedno bolo jasné. Budeme rodičia! 

To bolo v piatok večer, keď som Viktora donútila ísť do lekárne kúpiť mi test, keďže mi už druhý krát po sebe vymeškali moje dni. Hneď v pondelok som sa rozhodla utekať k mojej doktorke, tá však bola na PNke a tak som počkala do utorka a cestovala som do Trnavy na vyšetrenie k otcovej známej. Spýtala sa ma, aký mám problém, tak som vysvetlila, že problém nemám - len dva pozitívne tehotenské testy. Usadila som sa a o chvíľu som už mala možnosť vidieť nášho Vladka (to je prosím pekne pracovný názov nášho bábätka) na monitore. Mal približne dva centimetre a srdiečko mu bilo jedno radosť. Spýtala sa ma, či chcem zavolať do ambulancie aj priateľa a samozrejme som súhlasila. Ten mal tú možnosť vidieť prvý krát gynekologickú ambulanciu a takisto aj mňa, rozčapenú v gynekologickom kresle. Muselo to preňho vyzerať dosť šialene, hlavne keď si to dovtedy asi nevedel ani predstaviť, ako to tam vyzerá a prebieha. Myslím, že bol z pohľadu na monitor a maličké bábätko na ňom dosť šokovaný, zdá sa mi, že tomu stále nevedel uveriť, že "to tam je". 

Dostali sme aj sonogram a mohli sme ho po ceste domov skúmať. Samozrejme sme hneď začali riešiť, ako a kedy to povieme rodičom. Tým sme to už stihli povedať, najprv mojim, potom jeho. Ako to prebiehalo a ako reagovali vám však napíšem v ďalšom článku. 

Majte sa zatiaľ krásne! 

Upozornenie: Tento článok som písala približne pred mesiacom. 

Our first scan vs. our second scan (1st was at 8 weeks, second was at 12 weeks)

Náš prvý vs. druhý scan (prvý bol 8. týždeň, druhý 12. týždeň)



