outfit provided by Tally Weijl
Hi guys! As some of you might have noticed, there was no outfit post last week. It was the first time since the launch of the blog that I haven't posted an outfit post on Tuesday. To be honest with you, I just didn't have the time and also, didn't have any new outfit ideas. My belly is growing more and more each week and as of now, I am able to wear: leggings and dresses. And one pair of jeans. So my outfit choices, especially now for winter, are very limited. However, I am consider myself extremely lucky in being able to cooperate with Tally Weijl. I had an opportunity to pick out an entire outfit from their collection and this is the one I went for. I was choosing between a party outfit, an elegant look and this one .. which I would call simple Totally Pink! It's sporty, comfortable and all of these clothes can be combined with so many other pieces. To be honest with you, many of these pieces were out of my comfort zone at first - especially the boots and the jacket. However, I fell in love with both, especially the jacket. It's warm, soft and comfy and the color is slowly but surely becoming my favorite.
So what do you think about this look?
Ahojte! Možno ste si všimli, že minulý týždeň som nezverejnila outfit post. Bol to vlastne prvý krát odkedy som spustila blog, kedy som v utorok vynechala outfit post. Ak mám byť úprimná, proste som si nedokázala nájsť čas a nemala som žiadne nápady na nové outfity. Bruško rastie jedna radossť a momentálne zvládam nosiť: legíny a šaty. A jedny rifle, elastické a s nie až tak vysokým pásom. Takže moje možnosti výberu outfitov sú dosť obmedzené. Mám však mega šťastie, že mám možnosť spolupracovať so značkou Tally Weijl. Mohla som si z ich kolekcie vybrať celý outfit a rozhodla som sa pre tento. Rozhodovala som sa medzi party outfitom, niečím elegantným a týmto, čo vidíte na fotkách .. nazvala som ho totálne ružový! Je športovejší, pohodlný a hlavne, všetky kúsky tohto looku sa dajú kombinovať so všeličím možným. Ak mám byť úprimná, niektoré časti tohto outfitu sú pre mňa výzvou - hlavne čižmičky a bunda. Každopádne, zamilovala som si oboje, najmä bundu. Je teplá, jemná a poodlná a farbu som si totálne zamilovala.
Čo hovoríte na tento look?
Stále nerozumiem, kde ti to ľudia písali, že si pribrala. Veď vyzeráš perfektne! :)
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