Jeans: Diesel | T-Shirt: Levi's | Jacket: Mango | Bag: Pull & Bear
Hey there! Here in Slovakia, we are experiencing some weather changes at the moment. September got much colder and my body responded, just like every other year - and I got a cold. It started with my boyfriend Viktor, who started feeling sick on Thursday and it got me on Saturday as well. On Sunday, it was a full-blown cold, so I spent most of the day in bed or on the couch curled up in a blanket. Oh, and drinking loads of tea. Home made tea from herbs from my parents. And outside, it was pouring rain. Originally, we were planning on shooting outfit pictures on Sunday, but with the weather and the way we felt, we thought of postponing to Monday after work. However, since we decided to go grocery shopping for the week, I just thought - let's take the outfit pictures as well. So we took the camera with us and in spite of the horrible weather, we took these pictures. I was freezing!
I inherited these jeans from my mom and what I love about them the most is the fact that they are completely different than all other jeans I own. They have a straight cut - and they are red! Again .. RED! The last time I wore red jeans must have been like 8 years ago! And since I had something from my mom on, I decided to put something from my dad on as well - this old Levi's T! And the rest of the outfit kind of came together as well.
So what do you think?
Ahojte! Čo hovoríte na tieto zmeny počasia? September sa nám ochladil a moje telo na tento nový chlad okamžite zareagovalo, ako vždy. Nachladla som. Začalo to u Viktora, ktorý sa začal cítiť zle vo štvrtok a na mňa to prišlo v sobotu. A v nedeľu z toho bolo už taká poriadna choroba, takže som strávila takmer celý deň na gauči alebo v posteli, zababušená v deke. A pila som čajík na litre, taký dobrý domáci, zo sušenej lipy a šalvie od našich. Vonku zatiaľ zúril dážď. Pôvodne sme plánovali fotiť práve v nedeľu, no pri tom, ako sme sa obaja cítili a pri tom počasí to vyzeralo beznádejne a fotenie sme chceli preložiť na pondelok po práci. Keďže sme však museli aj tak vybehnúť nakúpiť potraviny, zobrali sme aj foťák a nakoniec sme tento outfit nafotili aj napriek hnusnému počasiu. Myslela som, že zamrznem!
Tieto jeansy som zdedila po mame a čo sa mi na nich páči najviac je to, že sú iné ako zvyšné ktoré mám. Majú rovný strih a sú červené. ČERVENÉ! Naposledy som nosila červené nohavice tak 8 rokov dozadu! A keďže som na sebe mala niečo po mame, na vrch som volila niečo po otcovi - toto Levi's tričko! A zvyšok outfitu sa tak nejak poskladal sám.
Čo naňho hovoríte?
You are so fashionable! Loving the red pants! Keep up the great content!
ReplyDeleteVypadá to krásně! Nejvíc unešená jsem ale teda z toho trička. To je peckové :3