Hi! This is Whiskey, the new member of the Nasklee family, our new puppy. And she is the cutest little being ever. We went to pick her up this Friday after work and fell in love instantly, even more than the first time we saw her. She is so little, so cute .. so perfect! I was afraid that she was gonna be sad and miss her mom and sister, but the whole drive home (which took 3 hours), she wanted to explore, cuddle and then fell asleep and has been amazing ever since. Why did we name her Whiskey? Well, I first wanted to go for Berklee, as in Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massauchussetts, since she is a Boston Terrier, but Viktor said that he didn't know how to pronounce the name, so we went for Whiskey instead. Because we love whiskey and it also kind of helped us get together, haha.
Ahojte! Toto je Whiskey, nový člen nášho Nasklee teamu, naše šteniatko. A je to to najrozkošnejšie zvieratko na svete. Boli sme si pre ňu tento piatok v Hnúšti a hneď sme sa do nej zaľúbili, ešte viac ako keď sme ju videli prvý krát. Je tak maličká a rozkošná .. proste dokonalá! Trochu som sa bála, že jej bude smutno za jej mamou a sestrou, ale celú cestu domov z Hnúšte (ktorá trvala tri hodniky), chcela len objavovať, túliť sa a nakoniec zaspinkala. Prečo sme sa rozhodli pre meno Whiskey? Najprv som chcela, aby sa volala Berklee, podľa Berklee College of Music v Bostone, keďže je bostonský teriér, ale Viktor sa tváril, že toto meno nevie vysloviť a tak sme sa zhodli na Whiskey. Pretože whiskey milujeme a takisto sme sa vďaka nej tak trochu aj dali dokopy, haha.

Awww..She is a real cutie ��������
ReplyDeleteSuch a cutie!<3
to meno najviac :))))
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