Shirt: Zara | Jeans: Zara | Bag: Kenzo | Shoes: Zara | Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
Hello there! I can't believe I haven't updated in 5 days! Shame on me, for real. Since I did not work on Monday and Tuesday, I had my hands full with work the rest of the week. And on Saturday, we celebrated two birthdays! First we went to our favorite café with Viktorko's friends and later on, we went on to a club together with Viktorka, since she celebrated her 30th birthday last week. It was my first time going out and drinking in ages - 1,5 years! It was so much fun - going to a rap concert, then dancing our asses off - but it's definitely not something I would need to do again in the near future. What I definitely did not miss at all was the hangover the next day. I don't know about you, but when I was younger, I could drink on Friday and Saturday and was able to be active on Sunday as well. Now? I just wanna sleep the whole day and feel like shit half of the next week. Uhg.
Now to the outfit. We shot this look on the same day we shot this one and it was definitely one of my favorite backdrops. I will make sure to shoot at this location in the summer again and maybe stay there for a short holiday as well. What do you think of this "blue look?"
Ahojte! Nechce sa mi veriť, že už 5 dní som blog neupdatla. Hanba mi! Keďže minulý týždeň som v pondelok a utorok nerobila, po zvyšok týždňa som mala plné ruky práce. A v sobotu sme oslavovali dve narodeniny. Najprv v našom obľúbenom podniku s Viktorkovými kamarátmi a potom sme si vyšli aj do klubu osláviť Vikinine 30. B-day! Bol to môj prvý krát vonku po roku a pol a napriek tomu, že som sa fakt zabavila, vôbec si to nepotrebujem zopakovať. Boli sme na Strapovom koncerte, zatancovali sme si .. a na druhý deň za dverami čakala opica. A tá mi teda nechýbala vôbec! Neviem ako vy, ale ja keď som bola mladšia, mohla som piť v piatok aj v sobotu a v nedeľu som bola schopná "žiť". Zatiaľ čo teraz mi stačí trochu popiť iba jeden deň, na druhý nie som schopná fungovať a ďalších pár dní sa spamätávam. Ugh.
Aj k outfitu by som vám rada niečo povedala. Fotili sme ho v ten istý deň ako tento outfit v jednej z mojich najobľúbenejších locations. Určite by som tam chcela vrátiť fotiť aj v lete a možno si tam spraviť aj krátku dovolenku. Čo hovoríte na tento "modrý look"?
moc krásný outfit a fotky! :)
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