Today, I decided to share the pictures from your first skiing trip together with you. It was my first time skiing in like 7 years and my first even without my parents. The last time must have been back when I was 16, with Sonka, my dad and mom and after that, I didn't do any more sporting activities and spend most of my free time going out or partying.
I think that I didn't even think of blogging, up until I got together with Viktorko and he started talking about it. Of course I was defensive at first, as always (one of my bad habits, which I am trying to get rid of), but after some time, I thought that maybe, just maybe, it might not be such a bad idea after all.
So I asked my parents if they could buy us a ski-trip for Christmas, at Chopok here in Slovakia, and they did. I am so thankful to them!
I couldn't even imagine how it would feel, standing on skis again .. but as soon as I put them on and started going down the hill, it didn't even occur to me, that I haven't been skiing in such a long time.
We ended up being on the slopes every day of our trip. But you can view more of that in our weekly vlog on Youtube 2PlusYou.
And what about you? Do you go skiing/snowboarding? Which skiing resorts would you recommend?
I think that I didn't even think of blogging, up until I got together with Viktorko and he started talking about it. Of course I was defensive at first, as always (one of my bad habits, which I am trying to get rid of), but after some time, I thought that maybe, just maybe, it might not be such a bad idea after all.
So I asked my parents if they could buy us a ski-trip for Christmas, at Chopok here in Slovakia, and they did. I am so thankful to them!
I couldn't even imagine how it would feel, standing on skis again .. but as soon as I put them on and started going down the hill, it didn't even occur to me, that I haven't been skiing in such a long time.
We ended up being on the slopes every day of our trip. But you can view more of that in our weekly vlog on Youtube 2PlusYou.
And what about you? Do you go skiing/snowboarding? Which skiing resorts would you recommend?
Dnes som sa rozhodla zdieľať s vami fotky z našej prvej spoločnej lyžovačky. Bola to moja prvá lyžovačka za posledných asi 7 rokov a moja úplne prvá bez našich. V 16tich som tuším bola posledný krát na lyžiach, so Sonkou a rodičmi a odvtedy som sa vzdala všetkých športových aktivít a venovala som sa skôr chodeniu von a do klubov.
Myslím, že som si na lyžovanie ani nespomenula, kým sme sa s Viktorkom nedali dokopy a nezačal o tom hovoriť. Samozrejme, najprv som sa k tomu stavala odmietavo, ako ku všetkému v čom si neverím (jedna z mojich zlých vlastností, na ktorých som si predsavzala pracovať), ale po nejakej dobe som si povedala, že by to vlastne vôbec nemusel byť taký zlý nápad.
Tak som teda poprosila mojich rodičov, či by nám nemohli na Vianoce kúpiť pobyt na Chopku a ten sme nakoniec aj dostali. Za čo im samozrejme strašne ďakujem!
Vôbec som si nevedela predstaviť, aký to bude pocit, stáť znovu na lyžiach .. akonáhle som si ich však obula a spustila som sa dole kopcom, ani sa mi nezdalo, že to bolo tak dlho, čo som nelyžovala.
Nakoniec sme lyžovali každý deň. Viac však uvidíte v našom prvom weekly vlogu na Youtube 2PlusYou.
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