About Petush Kay
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O Petush Kay
My name is Petra, but on the internet (or rather via google), you can find me as Petush. I am 24 years old and at the moment, I am living in Bratislava, my hometown.
I started blogging when I was around twelve, when blogging in Europe, especially in Slovakia, was still in its diapers. My first blogs (yes, there were a couple and they were quite popular here) were about famous bands and later on, I also had some small personal blogs I only shared with a couple of my friends.
I went to the bilingual Bilíkova high school, which I graduated in 2011.
The same year, I created my first “real” blog (probably to have something else to do than learning for the graduation exams), on which in time, I focused on fashion, beauty and lifestyle (more in the “About Nasklee” section). In the same year, I moved from my hometown, Bratislava, to the city of my (then) dreams, Berlin, Germany.
I lived there for about 3 years, studied journalism, with later focus on online journalism.
Shortly before finishing my studies, I have moved back home to Slovakia and realized, how much I have missed it here. So I decided to stay. That was in 2015, the year I officially put my blog on hiatus, because I was unable to keep it up 100%. I started working full time and was also working on some other projects at the time.
Since then, I have finished my studies, organized my life, found out what makes me happy and found love. With all that, the inspiration to continue blogging came back .. and so here I am again
Volám sa Petra, ale v internetovom svete ma skôr nájdete (aka vygooglite) pod pseudonymom Petush. Mám 23 rokov a momentálne žijem v Bratislave, odkiaľ aj pochádzam. Blogovať som začala keď som mala tak dvanásť rokov, keď bol celý blogging ešte v plienkach.
Najprv som mala blogy o rôznych kapelách (tie boli vtedy mrte populárne) a potom také malé, osobné blogy, kde som sa s pár kamarátmi delila o moje myšlienky. Chodila som na Gymnázium Bilíkova 24, ktoré som v roku 2011 úspešne zmaturovala.
Žila som tam takmer 3 roky a študovala žurnalistiku, posledný rok so zameraním na “online žurnalizmus”. Krátko pred ukončením štúdia som sa z osobných dôvodov vrátila naspäť na rodné Slovensko a uvedomila som si, ako veľmi mi domovina chýbala. Tak som sa teda rozhodla ostať.
To bolo v roku 2015, kedy som oficiálne hodila blog na “hiatus”, pretože som ho nezvládala spravovať na 100% ako predtým, pretože som si našla full-time job a venovala som sa mnohým iným projektom.
Odvtedy sa mi podarilo ukončiť školu, zorganizovať si život, zistiť čo ma robí šťastnou a nájsť lásku. S tým všetkým prišla aj inšpirácia začať opäť blogovať a tak som tu zas.Snáď sa vám bude páčiť a radi sa vrátite naspäť.