Tak, skôr či neskôr k tomuto postu muselo prísť. Prečo? Pretože moje tehotenské kilá sú téma, ktorú v osobnom živote momentálne riešim asi najviac, resp. ktorá ma momentálne asi najviac ovplyvňuje. A to vo všetkom! Na úvod článku vás varujem: Budem sa sťažovať, možno nadávať a možno napíšem niečo, s čím vonkoncom nesúhlasíte. Ja viem, že veľa z toho, čo bude tento post obsahovať, nebude objektívne a viem, že vám to možno príde absurdné, smiešne a bohvie aké. Ale sú to moje pocity a tie teraz dám "na papier" aby som ich raz a navždy dala von tak, ako ich cítim a bez toho, aby mi okamžite niekto kontroval s nejakým "ale veď to je normálne", "veď si tehotná", "ja som pribrala viac" .. pretože ja sa cítim, ako sa cítim a mám na tie pocity právo.
Sooner or later, this post had to come. Why? Because my pregnancy kilos are a topic which is on my mind all the time lately and affects me in many different ways. I have to warn you, before you keep reading on: I will be complaining and maybe I will write something you won't agree with. I know that many of the things mentioned in this post will be very subjective and that you mind find some of the stuff I will write down absurd, laughable or who knows what else. But these are my feelings and I am going to put them down in writing to let them out without having to hear anyone say back to me that "this is normal" and "it's normal to put on weight when pregnant" and "I out on much more than you" .. This is how I feel and I have a right to feel this way.
Mám právo cítiť sa veľká, nemotorná, spuchnutá a neviem ešte aká. Pretože taká momentálne som. Od začiatku tehotenstva som zatiaľ pribrala cca 12 kíl a nie je to teda žiadna sranda. Viem, na 7,5 mesiacov to vôbec nie je (podľa väčšiny) veľa, ale na mňa osobne to veľa teda je. Viete, ja som mala také obdobia. Asi 5 rokov v kuse som vážila 50 kíl a potom zas ďalších 5 takých 55. Po vysadení antikoncepcia som prvý krát po dlhej dobe klesla na 53, pretože som sa trochu odvodnila no a potom už prišli tehotenské kilečká. Najprv sa vrátili nenápadne tie dve "vodné" a potom pomaly ale isto naskakovali tie ďalšie. Do tých 60 to bolo ešte ako tak v pohode, aj keď sa musím priznať, že bol pre mňa istým spôsobom šok vidieť na váhe iné prvé číslo ako mojich "5".
S každým ďalším nad 60 to pre mňa však začínalo byť horšie a horšie. Viete, ono je to tak .. uvedomujem si, že sú to kilá z tehotenstva, ktoré pravdepodobne hneď zhodím. Nemení to však nič na fakte, že teraz sú tu a tak trochu mi znepríjemňujú život. Ťahať zo sebou zrazu 12 extra kíl totiž nie je len tak. Krásne to vystihol môj kamarát z Berlína, keď sme sa cez víkend stretli. Jeho snúbenica je takisto tehotná a pribrala zatiaľ nejakých 7 kíl. Keď raz išiel nakúpiť na oslavu do roboty, kupoval najmä fľaše alkoholu a všetky si ich naskladal do ruksaku. Ako tak išiel s tým ruksakom na chrbte, prepočítal si v hlave, že má práve na chrbte približne toľko kíl, koľko jeho snúbenica nabrala tehotenstvom. Až vtedy mu doplo, aké svojím spôsobom náročné musí byť vláčiť taký náklad denno-denne so sebou, od rána do večera. A ja som neskutočne rada, že nám toto porozprával a že to počul aj Viktor, pretože si myslím, že to preňho mnohé ozrejmilo.
Ja osobne asi najťažšie na tomto "priberaní" prežívam to, že je to taký nezvyk. Je nezvyk nevedieť sa poriadne zohnúť po topánky a obuť si ich bez fučania alebo bez toho, aby som si musela sadnúť. Nie som zvyknutá ani na to, že som tými kilami proste spomalená (a to radšej nebudem spomínať, že som totálne nemotorná, čo je ževraj v posledných mesiacoch tehotenstva bežný jav). Je pre mňa ťažké zmieriť sa s tým, že som nabrala aj do tváre a mám teraz permanentnú dvojitú bradu. To je totiž jeden z takých mojich komplexov - že mám nábeh na dvojitú bradu. Má ho aj moja mama, aj moja babička .. tak sme proste stavané. Nemáme krásne vykrojenú, silnú sánku, ale také maličké bradičky, ktoré nie sú poriadne oddelené od krku a preto je to naozaj otázka len pár kíl, či tam nejaká dvojitá brada je, alebo nie je. Možno keby som nebola blogerka, tak by som to až tak neriešila, ale verte mi - je naozaj frustrujúce, musieť vždy vyradiť vyše polovicu fotiek len kvôli dvojitej brade. Alebo editovať video a sledovať sa na ňom s dvojitou bradou vždy, keď si na to nedám extra pozor a nepredtiahnem hlavu nasilu dopredu.
Som proste väčšia, ako som bola kedykoľvek predtým a úprimne? 90% času sa vôbec necítim atraktívna. Možno aj preto som sa v poslednej dobe začala oveľa výraznejšie maľovať, kontúrovať si tvár viac ako kedykoľvek predtým. Tak okrajovo som sa k tomu všetkému vlastne vyjadrovala už v tomto poste na instagrame. V ten deň som sa cítila hrozne. Vytiahla som však zo skrine bodycon šaty, do ktorých som sa akýmsi zázrakom ešte natrieskala a ktoré mi za cenu nepohodlnosti aspoň vytvorili pekný bujný dekolt. Makeup som si spravila taký, že by sa zaňho nemuseli hanbiť ani známe beauty youtuberky a cítila som sa pomerne dobre, dokonca aj trochu sexy. Hneď po príchode domov ma však tento pocit opustil. Dala som si dole šaty a pančuchy a na bruchu som mala silno otlačené dva pásy z nich. Rozpustila som si vlasy, ktoré vyzerali ako po výbuchu a keď som sa pred spaním odmaľovala, ocitla som sa tam, kde predtým. Veľká, nemotorná, dvojbradová a neatraktívna.
Zároveň však musím povedať, že ma neskutočne potešili vaše komentáre k tomuto príspevku a motivovali ma ďalej sa o seba starať. Mnohé z vás mi písali, že obdivujú, že sa zvládam v tehotenstve takto nastylovať, že som pekne upravená a podobne. Pravdou je, že ja to nie "zvládam", ale ja to vyslovene potrebujem. Potrebujem to na to, aby som sa nezbláznila a aby som si aspoň takto "umelo" dvihla sebavedomie.
Neskutočne si cením každého, kto mi fotku okomentoval pozitívnymi slovami na moju adresu, pretože aj keď je to "len cez instagram", má to pre mňa obrovskú váhu. Musím priznať, že ste mi v tomto tak trochu nahradili toho môjho manžela, od ktorého mi sem-tam trochu tých krásnych slov chýba. A čo mi veľmi chýba je fyzická náklonnosť a áno, poviem to na rovinu - sex. Ale o tom možno v inom článku, ak vôbec. Predsa len - je to veľmi osobná téma. Zároveň však aj téma, ktorá ma často kmári. Preto by som k nej na jednej strane veľmi rada niečo napísala, ale na druhej strane je veľmi osobná, takže ak, tak ešte potrebujem trochu času.
Takže tak. Áno, viem že je normálne v tehotenstve pribrať a viem, že mnohé priberajú viac ako ja. Ale takisto viem, ako sa cítim a som rada, že mám tento blog ako platformu na to, aby som to dala zo seba von, trošku sa posťažovala. Rada si vypočujem aj vaše názory na túto tému a ak tu mám tehotné čitateľky, alebo maminy, budem veľmi rada, keď mi napíšete, ako ste to prežívali/to prežívate vy.
A pre všetkých "netehotných", ktorí sa dočítali až sem: Na vás mám jednu prosbu. Pokiaľ sa vám vaša tehotná priateľka/manželka/kamarátka/.. posťažuje, že sa cíti "tučná", alebo že už veľa pribrala, kľudne jej povedzte váš názor ak s ňou nesúhlasíte. Ale skúste ho formulovať napríklad štýlom: "Aj tak si krásna, pribrať v tehotenstve je normálne a určite tie kilá zhodíš", ako spôsobom "Ale prosím ťa, čo rozprávaš, si tehotná, takže je to normálne". Pretože my vieme, že to je normálne a že nie sme jediné na svete s touto "issue". Ale nedávať preto našim pocitom žiadnu hodnotu je to najhoršie, čo môžete spraviť. Pretože potom sa necítime zle len z toho, že si nepripadáme atraktívne, ale aj z toho, že máme pocit, že by sme si tak pripadať nemali a že naše pocity sú nesprávne a zlé. A to nie je v poriadku.
I have the right to feel big, clumsy, puffy and I don't know what else. Because that's how I am right now. I have gained 12 kilos since the beginning of my pregnancy and let me tell you, it ain't no joke! I know that many people thing that it ain't much, especially for being 7,5 months pregnant, but for me, it is quite a lot. I used to weight 50 kilos for about 5 years and then the next 5 years, after starting to take birth control pills, I weighed 55 kilos. After I went off the pill, I shortly weighed 53 because I lost all the water weight at once. When I became pregnant, I first gained back those 2 waterweight kilos and then, slowly but surely, started gaining more and more. It was quite okay until the 60 mark, although I have to admit that seeing something else than a "5" as the first number on the scale was quite a big shock for me.
And with each new number after the 6, it started to get harder and harder for me. Of course I know that these are pregnancy kilos and that they I will probably loose them very soon after I give birth, but that doesn't change the fact that they are on me now and make my life a little less easy. You know, having to carry 12 kilos all the time all of a sudden is not that easy. My friend Eric from Berlin said it quite nicely. His fiancé is also pregnant and has gained about 7 kilos as of now. When he went to buy some stuff for a party at work, mostly alcohol, he put everything in a backpack and while walking back to work with all that stuff on his back, he realized that he was carrying about the same weight at the moment as his fiancé put on. That's when he became aware of how it must be, carrying all that extra weight, all day, every day. And I am really glad that he told us this, especially in front of Viktor, because I think that it made things a little clearer for him.
I think that the hardest part about the weight gain for me is the fact that I am not used to it. It's a new thing, having difficulty tying my shoes, or having to sit down while doing it, panting like a dog. I am not used to being slowed down by my own weight. And don't even let me begin with the clumsiness .. although many people say that it's a side effect of the third trimester. It's hard for me to accept that I am walking around with a double chin. That's one of the things I have always hated about myself - that by gaining just a little bit of weight, my double chin shows. It's something I have inherited from my mom and my grandma. We just don't have those gorgeous jawlines in our families, what can I tell you? Maybe if I wasn't a blogger, I wouldn't be so aware of this, but it's really frustrating for me to have to throw away more than half of my pictures just because of that damn double chin. Or to have to look at my double chin all the way through editing a video, because I did not think of pulling my head forward in order for it not to show on video.
I am bigger than ever before and honestly? 90% of the time, I don't feel attractive at all. That might be why I started wearing more makeup lately, contouring my face so that it looked a little less like a giant balloon. I kind of spoke about this in this instagram post. On that day, I felt horrible. So I decided to pull out a bodycon dress out of my closet (I am still amazed that it still fit, somehow) and for the price of feeling uncomfortable, I had a nice décolletage. My makeup was on point and I felt .. well, pretty good about myself, sexy even. When I came back home, all of that went away. I took of my dress and my pantyhose and had two lines on my belly from being squeezed in it like a sausage. I let my hair down, which meant that I looked like a bomb exploded nearby and removed my makeup. And I was back where I started that day. Big, clumsy, double-chinned and unattractive.
At the same time, I have to say, that at least on that day, I had some wonderful comments to read through. So many girls have written to me that they admired how I managed to take care of myself during the pregnancy. Well, for me, it's not much "managing" - it's more of "needing" in order not to become completely crazy. In order to lift my self-esteem, at least by putting makeup on and doing my hair.
I am so thankful to everyone who left a comment, because even though it's "just instagram", it means so much to me. I have to admit that in a way, you guys on instagram kind of took over the role of my husband, from whom I kind of miss some kind words from time to time in regard of my appearance. What I miss even more is some physical affection and to be completely frank - sex. I might write more about that in a different post, maybe. It's a very personal topic, but at the same time, a topic which weighs heavy on my heart. So on one hand, I would love to write some more about it, on the other hand .. I might need some more time.
So, yeah. I know that it's normal to gain weight during pregnancy. And I know that there are many women who gain much more than I did. But I also know how I feel and I am really glad that I have this blog as a platform to let out my feelings, complain a little. I would love to hear your thoughts and if there are any mothers or other pregnant ladies amongst you, I would really love to know how you felt about the weight gain.
And for all non-pregnant people who managed to read this far along: I have one thing to ask you. If your pregnant girlfriend/wife/friend/.. complains to you about "feeling fat" or "having gained too much", tell her your opinion - but be careful how you say it. Try saying something like "You are still beautiful, it's normal to gain weight during pregnancy, I am sure you will loose it quickly", rather than saying "Oh please, stop complaining, you're pregnant, that's normal". Because we do know that it is normal and that we are not the only ones with this "issue". But not acknowledging our feelings is the worst thing you can do. Because then, we don't only feel bad because we don't feel attractive, we also feel bad because you give us the feeling that the way we feel is wrong. And that's not alright.
I have the right to feel big, clumsy, puffy and I don't know what else. Because that's how I am right now. I have gained 12 kilos since the beginning of my pregnancy and let me tell you, it ain't no joke! I know that many people thing that it ain't much, especially for being 7,5 months pregnant, but for me, it is quite a lot. I used to weight 50 kilos for about 5 years and then the next 5 years, after starting to take birth control pills, I weighed 55 kilos. After I went off the pill, I shortly weighed 53 because I lost all the water weight at once. When I became pregnant, I first gained back those 2 waterweight kilos and then, slowly but surely, started gaining more and more. It was quite okay until the 60 mark, although I have to admit that seeing something else than a "5" as the first number on the scale was quite a big shock for me.
And with each new number after the 6, it started to get harder and harder for me. Of course I know that these are pregnancy kilos and that they I will probably loose them very soon after I give birth, but that doesn't change the fact that they are on me now and make my life a little less easy. You know, having to carry 12 kilos all the time all of a sudden is not that easy. My friend Eric from Berlin said it quite nicely. His fiancé is also pregnant and has gained about 7 kilos as of now. When he went to buy some stuff for a party at work, mostly alcohol, he put everything in a backpack and while walking back to work with all that stuff on his back, he realized that he was carrying about the same weight at the moment as his fiancé put on. That's when he became aware of how it must be, carrying all that extra weight, all day, every day. And I am really glad that he told us this, especially in front of Viktor, because I think that it made things a little clearer for him.
I think that the hardest part about the weight gain for me is the fact that I am not used to it. It's a new thing, having difficulty tying my shoes, or having to sit down while doing it, panting like a dog. I am not used to being slowed down by my own weight. And don't even let me begin with the clumsiness .. although many people say that it's a side effect of the third trimester. It's hard for me to accept that I am walking around with a double chin. That's one of the things I have always hated about myself - that by gaining just a little bit of weight, my double chin shows. It's something I have inherited from my mom and my grandma. We just don't have those gorgeous jawlines in our families, what can I tell you? Maybe if I wasn't a blogger, I wouldn't be so aware of this, but it's really frustrating for me to have to throw away more than half of my pictures just because of that damn double chin. Or to have to look at my double chin all the way through editing a video, because I did not think of pulling my head forward in order for it not to show on video.
I am bigger than ever before and honestly? 90% of the time, I don't feel attractive at all. That might be why I started wearing more makeup lately, contouring my face so that it looked a little less like a giant balloon. I kind of spoke about this in this instagram post. On that day, I felt horrible. So I decided to pull out a bodycon dress out of my closet (I am still amazed that it still fit, somehow) and for the price of feeling uncomfortable, I had a nice décolletage. My makeup was on point and I felt .. well, pretty good about myself, sexy even. When I came back home, all of that went away. I took of my dress and my pantyhose and had two lines on my belly from being squeezed in it like a sausage. I let my hair down, which meant that I looked like a bomb exploded nearby and removed my makeup. And I was back where I started that day. Big, clumsy, double-chinned and unattractive.
At the same time, I have to say, that at least on that day, I had some wonderful comments to read through. So many girls have written to me that they admired how I managed to take care of myself during the pregnancy. Well, for me, it's not much "managing" - it's more of "needing" in order not to become completely crazy. In order to lift my self-esteem, at least by putting makeup on and doing my hair.
I am so thankful to everyone who left a comment, because even though it's "just instagram", it means so much to me. I have to admit that in a way, you guys on instagram kind of took over the role of my husband, from whom I kind of miss some kind words from time to time in regard of my appearance. What I miss even more is some physical affection and to be completely frank - sex. I might write more about that in a different post, maybe. It's a very personal topic, but at the same time, a topic which weighs heavy on my heart. So on one hand, I would love to write some more about it, on the other hand .. I might need some more time.
So, yeah. I know that it's normal to gain weight during pregnancy. And I know that there are many women who gain much more than I did. But I also know how I feel and I am really glad that I have this blog as a platform to let out my feelings, complain a little. I would love to hear your thoughts and if there are any mothers or other pregnant ladies amongst you, I would really love to know how you felt about the weight gain.
And for all non-pregnant people who managed to read this far along: I have one thing to ask you. If your pregnant girlfriend/wife/friend/.. complains to you about "feeling fat" or "having gained too much", tell her your opinion - but be careful how you say it. Try saying something like "You are still beautiful, it's normal to gain weight during pregnancy, I am sure you will loose it quickly", rather than saying "Oh please, stop complaining, you're pregnant, that's normal". Because we do know that it is normal and that we are not the only ones with this "issue". But not acknowledging our feelings is the worst thing you can do. Because then, we don't only feel bad because we don't feel attractive, we also feel bad because you give us the feeling that the way we feel is wrong. And that's not alright.
Ahoj :)
ReplyDeletetýmto komentom by som chcela pomôcť, tak snáď sa to podarí, ak sa náhodou vyjadrím zle, tak to bude omylom, resp. možno sa len nepochopíme.
Na začiatok, bruško ti veľmi svedčí. Je škoda, že vy (tehulky) to nevidíte očami druhých, lebo strašne dobre sa na to pozerá lebo je to vlastne taký malý zázrak (a teraz znejem ako úplný magor, ale je okolo mňa viacero tehuliek a vždy keď vidím tehotenské bruško tak prvé čo mi napadne je, že aké je to milé)
Neviem nakoľko to pomôže, ale skús kuk tento článok(https://zapiskynutriholicky.wordpress.com/2015/11/17/ako-ma-vyzerat-tehotenska-postava/), kde je napísané, čo tie kilečká navyše vlastne znamenajú a čo predstavú a že vlastne väčšina z nich zas zmizne, keď bábo príde na svet. (ako napríklad plodová voda, krv navyše či samozrejme samotné bábätko) A že momentálne je to všetko nevyhnutné aby ste obe fungovali tak ako treba.
A inak tak ako je úplné normálne v tehotenstve pribrať, tak je úplne normálne že sa takto cítiš. A tí čo majú blbé reči by mali zobrať 12kilovú záťaž zavesiť si ju takto na brucho a minimálne pol dňa s ňou fungovať, a potom by zistili čo to naozaj znamená, a to ani nie je o hormónoch, čo sú úplne iná kapitola, že ano.
Takže len tak :) snáď aspoň trochu pomôže :)
ĎAKUJEM za krásny komentár <3 Tiež si myslím, že je to strašná škoda, že sa neviem vidieť tak ako ma vidia ostatní, uvedomila som si to minulý víkend v Nemecku, keď mi kamaráti hovorili, ako žiarim a ako vyzerám šťastne a ja som poste v zrkadle videla totálny opak :/
Deleteje to sranda, ale osobne na tebe tie kilá nejako nevidím ;) no každopádne verím, že to musí byť dosť namáhavé, ale veď o chvíľu je malá na svete a všetko sa vráti do pôvodného stavu :) držím palce, nech máš čo najmenšie komplexy, no myslím, že vyzeráš skvelo!
ReplyDeleteSabi z blogu Beautiful savage
..vyzeras perfektne..prsia ti oze zavidiet kazda druha baba, mna nevinimajuc a v brusku mas maly poklad, ale chapem tvoje rozcarovanie nad pribudajucimi kilami..sama si musim obcas pripominat, ze to bude zase prec, hned ako sa ten maly poklad narodi a bude treba okolo neho lietat, a ked fucim uz pri vystupe na 1.poschodie, ze to chce iba pridat si kazdy den este jedno :D Neboj kazda jedna to riesime, len niekto potichu a niekto nahlas..urcite to neznamena nic zle <3 drzim palce, aby si to zvladla na panicku a potom sa uz budete tesit komplet rodinka a na kilecka ti ostane spomienka iba v podobe fashion fotiek z blogu a dvojitu bradicku uz musel aj chudak Tom Loft riesit pri dnesnom foteni..lebo neuveris, ale mam ju uz v 5tom mesiaci..jupiii <3
ReplyDeleteMě by zajímal ten sex. Jako myslím v těhotenství a případně po porodu, pokud máš odvahu o něčem takovém mluvit :) Jinak by mě ještě zajímalo, jak dlouho je to teď od porodu a kolik už jsi zhubla? A co dvojitá brada? Zmizela?
ReplyDeleteTen sex je akurát jedna z vecí, o ktorých (zatiaľ, možno nikdy) hovoriť nechcem :) Na instagrame pravidelne updatujem čo sa týka váhy. Túto stredu končím šestonedelie, takže 6 týždňov od pôrodu, schudla som 10 kíl, 10 ešte schudnúť musím. A dvojitá brada teda nezmizela, ale tú som mala vždy, to je proste genetika :D Len bola predtým menšia, ako počas tehotenstva. Už som schudla v podstate všade, okrem nôh, tie zostávajú mohutné.