Ahojte! Dnes som mala posledný pracovný deň, kým sa odoberiem na dovolenku a potom na materskú a rodičovskú. Preto som si posledný týždeň dovolila dať menšiu pauzičku od blogu, kým sa mu začnem venovať naplno. Teda, pokiaľ mi to tehotenstvo dovolí, samozrejme. Mám však v zálohe nejaké fotky z Chateau Béla, kde sme s Viktorkom boli minulý víkend a takisto pracujem na vlogu odtiaľ, ako aj novom makeup videu.
Zatiaľ sem hádžem aspoň týchto pár fotiek, ktoré boli tiež fotené v Chateau, v jednom z ich francúzskych okien. Keď raz budeme mať dom, ktorý si postaviame podĺa našich predstáv, chcela by som tam okná s podokenicami, na ktorých budem môcť takto sedieť, vyhrievať sa na slniečku a písať príspevky, čítať nejakú knihu, alebo len tak pozorovať okolie.
Hi guys! Today was my last day at work before I go on vacation and then for maternity and parental leave. That's why I had a little break from blogging over the last couple of days, before I go at it "full time". Well, as much as my pregnancy allows me to. I have some pictures from our weekend away at Chateau Béla and am also working on editing a vlog from there, as well as on one other makeup video.
Until I finish all that, I am posting these pictures, which were also taken during the weekend in one of the french windows of the chateau. When we move to a house, I will have windows like this, with the possibility to sit in the sun, write blog posts, read a book, or just watch my surroundings.
Zatiaľ sem hádžem aspoň týchto pár fotiek, ktoré boli tiež fotené v Chateau, v jednom z ich francúzskych okien. Keď raz budeme mať dom, ktorý si postaviame podĺa našich predstáv, chcela by som tam okná s podokenicami, na ktorých budem môcť takto sedieť, vyhrievať sa na slniečku a písať príspevky, čítať nejakú knihu, alebo len tak pozorovať okolie.
Hi guys! Today was my last day at work before I go on vacation and then for maternity and parental leave. That's why I had a little break from blogging over the last couple of days, before I go at it "full time". Well, as much as my pregnancy allows me to. I have some pictures from our weekend away at Chateau Béla and am also working on editing a vlog from there, as well as on one other makeup video.
Until I finish all that, I am posting these pictures, which were also taken during the weekend in one of the french windows of the chateau. When we move to a house, I will have windows like this, with the possibility to sit in the sun, write blog posts, read a book, or just watch my surroundings.
Hi! You know, I enjoy this kind of random posts, hopefully we will see them more, especially now, when you are pregnant and you will get to the "chilly" time, you ought to enjoy it <3 If you want, you can also have a look on my post while enjoying your cup of tea, I wrote about how much I feel Slovakian and how is this country important for me. I would like to know opinions of different people on this post. If you do read it, hank you and if not never mind, enjoy your day :-)
Ježiš mne sa tento typ fotiek strašne páči ♥