Jacket: Zara | Sweater: Yzo Merchandise | Pants: H&M | Boots: Forever 21 | Bag: New Look | Hat: Asos
Hi guys, how are you doing? I am having my last vacation day and tomorrow, I'm back to work. Unfortunately, I can't say that I had a rest during my vacation. Actually, the complete opposite. I feel stressed, under pressure and my hormones are going wild at the moment .. like I said some time ago, I feel like I am having a second puberty. During our vacation, we spent a long weekend in Regensburg, Germany, where we also shot this outfit. Since we were traveling with Whiskey and took her everywhere with us, she had to be a part of this post. By the way - I never would have thought that my dog would be wearing a damn jacket. However, seeing her shiver in the cold, I just had to put an outfit on her.
As for my outfit, I can tell you one thing - this is the kind of look I feel most confident in. And yes, I know that I was wearing this hat two outfit posts ago, but I just didn't have anything else to put on my head and without it, I would probably freeze. So I hope you are not over the hat yet. You also saw the coat as well already, but in a completely different combination. So what do you think about this all black look? By the way, this is one of my favorite combinations, it's from an Yzo Empire merchandise collection.
Do you like monochrome outfits?
Ahojte, ako sa máte? Ja mám dnes posledný deň dovolenky a zajtra zas do robotky. Bohužiaľ nemôžem povedať, že by som si cez dovolenku oddýchla. Vlastne presný opak. Cítim sa pod tlakom, v strese a hormóny so mnou momentálne plieskajú .. ako som už pred nedávnom spomínala, tuším mám druhú pubertu, alebo čo. Počas dovolenky sme si spravili predĺžený víkend v Regensburgu, kde sme fotili aj tento outfit post. Keďže sme cestovali aj s Whiskey, musela byť samozrejme aj na fotkách, haha. Inak čo sa týka jej outfitu - nikdy som si nemyslela, že keď budem mať psa, budem ho obliekať do takýchto oblečkov. Keď som však videla, ako sa na zime klepe, nedalo mi to!
K outfitu môjmu vám poviem toľko, že toto je presne look, v ktorom sa cítim dobre a sebavedomo. A áno, viem, že túto čiapočku som mala v nedávnom outfit poste tiež, ale nič iné na hlavu som nemala - a bez nej by som asi zmrzla. Tak dúfam, že sa jej nepresýtite. A vlastne aj kabátik ste už videli, len v totálne inej kombinácii. Čo hovoríte na tento all black outfit? Inak mikina patrí medzi moje obľúbené, je to vlastne merchandise Yzo Empire.
Páčia sa vám monochrome outfity?
Neboj, nepresýtime sa jej..podľa mňa je skvelá..mám podobnú a tiež ju rada nosím, i keď ja už pritvrdzujem a vyťahujem zimné čiapky a Whiskey je na zožratie..pokojne viac takýchto postov ��
ReplyDeleteKrásna! Úplne všetko sa mi total páči :)
Paneboze, tohle je presne muj styl :)) bozi!
ReplyDeleteSarushef blog
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