Hi guys! As I am writing this, I am lounging on the most comfortable sofa in the world, with my feet on the long searched for conference table and with a crazy puppy by my side. Yes, we have finally officially moved! On one hand, that means that I do not know where half of my things are and on the other hand, I have a vanity table now! It does not look how I want it to look yet, but it has the most important part of it done already - a mirror on the wall and a small makeup mirror with a light, with a magnifying function. Which is already more mirrors than I had for the last year, ever since I moved in with my boyfriend. To be honest with you, I am not quite sure how I was able to live without a real mirror all that time. Seriously, now that I have looked at myself, I realised how much I have neglected my skin, as well as my eyebrows! So now, I am planning to spend quite a lot of time on skincare! And also to write more beauty posts. Because with a good mirror, my old love for makeup experiments is back! When we were moving, I got a glimpse at my whole collection and found some things I didn't even know I had.
And thats how this look came to be, starting with the wine red color of the eye makeup. I happen to own a liquid lipstick from MAC, which I of course had to buy with a lip pencil as well. And I also happen not to like the lipstick. At the time of buying it, I was not a liquid lipstick expert - I might still not be an expert, but I am definitely more experienced with liquid lipsticks than I was then. However, I knew that I was not happy with this lipstick after the first time I tried wearing it for longer than an hour. I gave up on it. I don't like the coverage (it does not apply evenly and when you want the color to show as it should and full coverage, you have to apply multiple layers) and that's why this was also the last time I had it on. Now I found a better use for it! Yesterday, I thought of using it instead of an eyeshadow, or rather a thick liner. Even though it has a horrible applicator. Today, I tried the same, but with the lip pencil.
The application with the pencil was effortless and it stayed on really well - or rather still stays, as I am writing this post. I decided to combine this beautiful wine red color with gold, or rather copper, according to Kylie, with the help of a liquid liner from Kylie Cosmetics. But I will tell you more about the products below. As to the brows, I have just lightly filled them in with an eyebrow shadow from Pupa. I have to admit that I don't really do much to my brows lately, since they are naturally dark and thick and therefore without any "edits" already in contrast with the bleached hair I have now.
When it comes to the face, I tend to avoid foundation altogether in the summer. Most of the time, I only reach for a moisturising cream and if necessary, cover my under-eye circles or spots with a concealer/corrector. On top of everything, I usually just use a highlighter and that's it. For this look - especially because I knew I would be taking pictures of it - I decided to apply a moisturising cream at first, followed up by a very light foundation from Rimmel. I also used a corrector to cover my spots, which are probably either caused by lack of sleep, or stress and completely left out the highlighter. For this look, I reached for a bronzer instead (which I am not really happy with, but more about that below) and for a brick colored blush from Kiko Milano.
As for the eyes, I told you what I used above. I will just add that I have used my favorite mascara of this time. You can find out which mascara it is below. I decided to moisturise my lips with a lip oil from Balea and then applied a liquid lipstick from Lime Crime.
Even though I let my hair down and wild on the pictures, I decided to go for a messy bun when I went out, because it looked better with what I wore. I can also imagine wearing this makeup with a sleek bun, statement earrings and a different lipstick for some official occasion.
What do you think about this look? More information about each of the products below.
Ahojte! Zdravím vás z toho najpohodlnejšieho gauča na zemi, s nohami vyloženými na mojom dlho hľadanom a nakoniec doma nájdenom konferenčnom stolíku (inak pred hľadaním nábytku do bytu som netušila, že sa tento stolík takto nazýva, pre mňa to vždy bol len "obývačkový stolík") a besniacim šteniatkom po mojom boku. Áno, konečne sme sa tak naozaj presťahovali! Čo síce na jednej strane znamená, že neviem, kde mám polovicu vecí, ale na druhej strane zas to, že mám konečne môj vanity stolík! Ešte ani zďaleka nevyzerá tak, ako by mal, ale to najdôležitejšie už má - jedno väčšie, medené zrkadlo pripevnené na stene a jedno podsvietené stojace zrkadlo so zväčšovacou možnosťou. Čo je už samé o sebe viac zrkadiel, ako som mala k dispozícii celý posledný rok, okedy som začala žiť s Vikim. Sama neviem, ako som to za ten posledný rok bez zrkadla vydržala. Seriózne! Nie len pleť, ale hlavne to obočie si zaslúžilo viac pozornosti! Mám však v pláne to všetko teraz napraviť a dopriať mojej tvári len tú najlepšiu starostlivosť, sľubujem! A vám viac beauty článkov. Pretože s dobrým zrkadlom na mňa opäť prišla tá stará známa chuť experimentovať so šminkami! Pri sťahovaní som si v nich spravila nový prehľad a našla som aj také, o ktorých som už ani netušila, že ich mám.
A tak vlastne vznikol aj tento look, ktorý sa odvíjal od vínovo červenej farby na očiach. Mám totiž jeden tekutý rúž od MACu, ku ktorému som si samozrejme "musela" kúpiť aj ceruzku na pery, s ktorým som už od začiatku nebola spokojná. V tej dobe som síce ešte nebola expert na tekuté rúže - možno ním nie som ani dnes, ale vyznám sa už určite lepšie ako vtedy - no už po prvom pokuse vydržať s týmto rúžom viac ako hodinu som to vzdala. Vôbec mi nevyhovuje jeho krytie (nenanáša sa rovnomerne a keď chcete poriadne krytie, musíte naniesť množstvo vrstiev, takže sa začne šúpať) a preto som ho už nikdy potom na pery nedala. Našla som naňho však lepšie využitie. Včera ma napadlo použiť ho ako očný tieň, alebo skôr takú hrubú linku a napriek tomu, že aplikátor má otrasný a na toto použitie teda vôbec nie ideálny, podľa mňa vyzeral na očiach super. Dnes som sa pokúsila o ten istý efekt, ale tentokrát len s pomocou ceruzky na pery.
Ceruzka držala super (vlastne keď píšem tento post, tak ešte drží) a takisto sa výborne aplikovala, dokonca lepšie ako niektoré ceruzky na oči, ktoré mám. Túto krásnu vínovo červenú farbu som sa rozhodla skombinovať so zlatou, resp. ako by povedala Kylie, s medenou a použila som na to krémový očný tieň od Kylie Cosmetics. Konkrétne produkty spomeniem nižšie. Obočie som len veľmi zľahka vyplnila tieňom na obočie od Pupa Cosmetics. Musím sa priznať, že obočiu sa v poslednej dobe veľmi nevenujem, okrem malých úprav, pretože ho mám prirodzene dosť tmavé a už v tom stave je v dosť veľkom kontraste k mojím vytiahnutým vlasom.
Čo sa týka tváre, v lete sa makeupu ako takému zväčša vyhýbam. Väčšinou siaham len po kréme, aby som pleť trochu hydratovala a pokiaľ je to naozaj nutné, zakryjem aj kruhy pod očami, prípadne vyrážky. Na vrch potom len highlighter a som spokojná. Pre tento look - a najmä kvôli fotkám - som sa rozhodla siahnuť po hydratujúcom krémiku a veľmi ľahkom makeupe od Rimmel London. Takisto som využila korektor na dve vyrážky, ktoré sa mi vyhodili pravdepodobne zo stresu, alebo nedostatku spánku a kompletne som vynechala highlighter. Namiesto neho som siahla po bronzéri z MACu, s ktorým nie som 100% spokojná (viac nižšie) a po tehlovej lícenke od Kiko Milano.
Čo sa týka očí, to som vám už spomínala. Dodám už len, že mihalnice som zvýraznila mojou momentálne najobľúbenejšou mascarou. Ktorá to je a krátke review nižšie. Pery som sa rozhodla hydratovať olejčekom na pery a keď sa trochu vsiakol, naniesla som tekutý rúž od Lime Crime. Aj o tom vám poviem na konci postu viac.
Vlasy mám síce na fotkách rozpustené na divoko, k outfitu ktorý som však mala na sebe sa mi viac hodil "messy bun", teda drdol. To je jeden spôsob, akým sa dá kombinovať tento look. Viem si ho však predstaviť aj na nejaký oficiálnejší večer, s upraveným vypnutým drdolom, iným rúžom a výraznými náušnicami.
Čo hovoríte na tento look? Viac informácií o každom produkte nájdete nižšie.
Čo som teda na tento look použila? Viac o produktoch ako takých nižšie // So what did I use to achieve this look? You can find out more about each product below
Base (skin)
Daily moisturising cream "Turnaround Daytime Revitalizing Moisturizer" from Clinique: This is a cream I bought when I was desperately searching for a product to make my skin glow and did not care how much it would cost. I just wanted to look more lively and wanted to achieve a hydrated, luminous skin. I am not saying that this cream does magic. I actually found out that skin is quite simple - if you give it enough sleep and water, it will glow on its own. But if you are like me and don't often have the opportunity to enjoy a real beauty sleep, this moisturiser will help you fake the healthy looking skin look. It has a cooling effect and you really just need a tiny drop for the whole face. So the price-quality ratio is quite good. It's very light, so it does not give you that greasy feeling some face creams do, not even for a short time. You can find it in any Clinique store, or for example in Sephora.
Bobbi Brown cream duo corrector: I use this corrector on top of a concealer for under-eyes, but without any base on spots, because it matches my skin tone much better. I am not gonna write a review about it, because I have already done that in this post.
Fresher Skin from Rimmel London: I was very curious about this makeup, because at a certain time, I felt like every blogger was writing about it. Even though I mostly wear my foundation from MAC which I am very happy with, or when we take pictures, I sometimes go for my Bobbi Brown foundation, the low price of this one made me wanna try it. Even though it has a different consistency than what I like when it comes to foundation and I can't use a beauty blender to apply it, I think it's ideal when you are looking for a very light coverage. I had to get used to appying it with my fingers, which I haven't done in ages, but it seems to be the best way for applying.
Základ (pleť)
Daily moisturising cream "Turnaround Daytime Revitalizing Moisturizer" from Clinique: This is a cream I bought when I was desperately searching for a product to make my skin glow and did not care how much it would cost. I just wanted to look more lively and wanted to achieve a hydrated, luminous skin. I am not saying that this cream does magic. I actually found out that skin is quite simple - if you give it enough sleep and water, it will glow on its own. But if you are like me and don't often have the opportunity to enjoy a real beauty sleep, this moisturiser will help you fake the healthy looking skin look. It has a cooling effect and you really just need a tiny drop for the whole face. So the price-quality ratio is quite good. It's very light, so it does not give you that greasy feeling some face creams do, not even for a short time. You can find it in any Clinique store, or for example in Sephora.
Bobbi Brown cream duo corrector: I use this corrector on top of a concealer for under-eyes, but without any base on spots, because it matches my skin tone much better. I am not gonna write a review about it, because I have already done that in this post.
Fresher Skin from Rimmel London: I was very curious about this makeup, because at a certain time, I felt like every blogger was writing about it. Even though I mostly wear my foundation from MAC which I am very happy with, or when we take pictures, I sometimes go for my Bobbi Brown foundation, the low price of this one made me wanna try it. Even though it has a different consistency than what I like when it comes to foundation and I can't use a beauty blender to apply it, I think it's ideal when you are looking for a very light coverage. I had to get used to appying it with my fingers, which I haven't done in ages, but it seems to be the best way for applying.
Základ (pleť)
Denný hydratačný krém "Turnaround Daytime Revitalizing Moisturizer" od Clinique: Krém, ktorý som si kúpila keď som zúfalo hľadala niečo na rozjasnenie pleti a neriešila som, koľko ma to bude stáť. Proste som chcela vyzerať živšie a išlo mi o dosiahnutie hydratovanej, žiarivej pleti. Nehovorím, že tento krém robí zázraky, to určite nie. S pleťou je to vlastne jednoduché - dáte jej dostatok vody a spánku a ona vám to oplatí tým že bude žiariť. Keď ste však ako ja a často si ten povestný beauty sleep nedoprajete, tento krém vám pomôže aspoň trochu nafejkovať ten zdravý look. Má chladivý efekt a stačí ho fakt len maličká kvapôčka na to, aby ste ho aplikovali na celú tvár. Takže pomer cena-kvalita v tomto prípade môže byť. Je veľmi ľahký a preto nedáva pleti ten pocit mastnoty, ktorý mnohé krémy práve dajú, aj keď len na chvíľu. Nájdete ho tu, alebo v Sephore, na Notino.sk, prípadne v kamennom obchode napríklad v bratislavskom Auparku. Tam som si ho kupovala ja a okrem toho, že mi skvelo poradili som dostala aj Clinique mascaru ako darček k nákupu.
Bobbi Brown krémový duo korektor: Korektor, ktorý pod oči používam až na concealer, na vyrážky však bez neho, pretože dostatočne kryje aj sám o sebe a oveľa viac mi pasuje k farbe pleti. Nebudem sa tu k nemu nejak obšírne vyjadrovať, pretože o mojom zážitku z auparského Bobbi Brown a produktoch od nich som písala celkom komplexnú recenziu v tomto článku.
Fresher Skin od Rimmel London: Na tento makeup som bola veľmi zvedavá, pretože som ho istú dobu videla snáď na každom druhom blogu, ktorý followujem. Napriek tomu, že väčšinou som používala makeup od MACu, s ktorým som veľmi spokojná, prípadne na fotenia makeup od Bobbi Brown, o ktorom si tiež môžete prečítať tu, nízka cena tohto makeupu ma presvedčila, že sa oplatí ho vyskúšať. Má síce absolútne inú konzistenciu, ako mám na makeupoch rada a beauty blender mi v jeho nanášaní veľmi nepomôže (je pomerne vodový), ale na ľahkú letnú "coverage" je ideálny. Na nanášanie prstami som si síce musela zvykať, ale pri tomto makeupe je to ten najlepší spôsob.
Cheeks a contouring
Stargazer Pro Paint Stick: Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of thus product. It was the base for my contouring. I have to admit that I do not contour that often, so I am not that skilled in it, but I thought that it might be nice to try a little contouring for this look. I bought this stick some time ago on Amazon, when I was looking for creamy products to learn how to contour and highlight. I didn't really go for a particular brand, I just took the first thing that popped up for a good price. The stick I chose was in medium dark and you can find it for example on Amazon.co.uk. Even though it does not really have a good rating on Amazon, for the purpose I use it, it's quite okay. It glides on effortlessly, has great coverage and all you really need to do to contour with it is to slide it down your cheekbone and blend.
Glow with it - Extra dimension skinfinish: Now we get to another product from MAC which I am not very happy with. I bought it when I wanted to get a good bronzer. I am really happy with the highlighter I have from this brand and that's why I also wanted to get a bronzer from them. I went to the MAC store in one of our shopping centres and asked the employee for help - and that seems to have been the mistake. It seems (from what I have researched online) that this line of product is actually supposed to be highlighters - which in case of this shade would not be usable for my skin as well. What I am really unsatisfied with is the product application. When using a feathered brush, I go insane. Each time I have tried it, I have ended up with weird brown spots on my cheeks, instead of the product being spread out evenly. And those spots are so strong that it's not possible to blend them out with other brushes! Which makes me insane when I have already applied foundation. For this look, I have decided to try applying it with a brush I got from MAC for highlighting. And let me tell you - this brush is absolutely incredible! Even though it's kind of pricy for a single makeup brush (35 Euros), I would recommend it! You can find it on the official MAC Cosmetics website.
Kiko Milano Soft Touch Blush Shade 102: Now we get to a product I bought back when I first move to Berlin, Germany (which was a long time ago) and I still have it. Which on one hand means that I don't use it very often, but more importantly also means that it has great coverage and you do not need much product in order to cover your cheeks. I tried finding it for you on Kiko's official website, but failed - it seems that they don't offer this product anymore. To be honest, I don't often wear blush but if I decide to go for it, I go for this one. I applied this blush with a classic blush/powder brush which is even older than the blush itself. I got it from Claire's, they still have a similar to the one I have here.
Líčka a contouring
Stargazer Pro Paint Stick: Tento produkt som bohužiaľ zabudla odfotiť, no tvoril vlastne základ kontúringu. Priznám sa, že nekontúrujem veľmi často, takže v tom nie som úplne vyskillovaná, ale k tomuto looku sa mi tieňovanie hodilo. Tento stick som si kúpila kedysi dávno na Amazone, keď som hľadala krémové produkty na učenie sa pracovať práve s technikou kontúrovania a highlightovania. Značku som veľmi neriešila, proste som zobrala prvú vec čo mi prišla pod ruku za rozumnú cenu. Tento stick mám v odtieni Medium Dark a nájdete ho napríklad na UK Amazone. Napriek negatívnym hodnoteniam na Amazone, na to na čo ho používam ja je podľa mňa super, ľahko sa rozotiera a má super krytie, teda stačí naozaj raz prejsť pod lícnou kosťou a blendovať, viac produktu použiť netreba.
Glow with it - Extra dimension skinfinish: Tu sa dostávame k ďalšiemu produktu od MACu, s ktorým nie som úplne spokojná. Kupovala som ho s tým, že hľadám dobrý bronzér. Keďže s highlighterom od tejto značky som nadmieru spokojná, rozhodla som sa od nich vyskúšať aj bronzér a nechala som si poradiť od predavačky. A zdá sa, že práve to bola chyba. Zdá sa, že toto vlastne vôbec nemajú byť broznéry, ale highlightery a takisto sa zdá, že práve ten, ktorý mi bol odporučený, sa na moju pleť práve ako highlighter nehodí. S čím mám však najväčší problém, je nanášanie. Feathered brush pri tomto produkte totálne zlyháva a keď sa s ním tento "bronzér" snažím naniesť na líčka, dopadnem s fľakatými líčkami. A tie fľaky sa nedajú rozotrieť ani vyblendovať. A keď už mám spravený základ pleti aj vykontúrované líčka, práve toto je pre mňa totálna nočná mora! Pre tento look som pre nanášanie produktu použila štetec od MAC Cosmetics, ktorý je úplne výborný a používam ho väčšinou na highlighter a najpriek dosť vysokej cene za jeden štetec (35 Eur) by som ho kažému odporučila. Nájdete ho na oficiálnej stránke MACu, alebo v ich kamennej predajni, napríklad v Auparku v Bratislave.
Kiko Milano Soft Touch Blush Shade 102 lícenka: Tak a teraz sme pri produkte, ktorý som si kúpila v Berlíne chvíľu po tom, ako som sa tam presťahovala a doteraz ho mám. Poloprázdny, ale "immerhin". Čo síce svedčí jednak o tom, že ho nepoužívam veľmi často, ale taktiež o tom, že má výborné krytie a stačí ho naozaj len troška na to, aby pokryl celé líčka. Snažila som sa vám ho nájsť na stránke tejto značky, no tam ho nenájdete. Našla som ho však aspoň na tejto stránke. Síce blushe často nepoužívam, keď však po nejakom siahnem, je to práve tento. Lícenku som aplikovala klasickým štetcom na blush, alebo púder, ktorý mám podľa mňa už vyše 7 rokov z Claire's. Veľmi podobný tomu môjmu majú ešte stále aj na ich stránke.
Eyes and lips
Currant Lip Pencil from MAC Cosmetics: As mentioned above, I used this lip pencil as an eye crayon for this look. It's in the shade Currant. I have to praise this product, because as a lip pencil, as well as an eyeliner, it's great. You can get it on the official MAC Cosmetics website. By the way, the liquid lipstick I first tried this look with, is in the shade "High Drama" from MAC's Retro Matte line. And I definitely DO NOT recommend this lipstick.
Kylie Cosmetics Cream Eyeshadow (limited edition): I was able to get this cream eyeshadow from Kylie's birthday collection last year and have it in both shades - Copper and Rose Gold. For this look, I have used Copper. As you can see on the picture above, I have not used much of it yet. It's amazing and that's kind of the reason why I don't want to use it very often .. because what if I run out of it? Haha. That's the thing about liking limited editions. By the way, I have yet to use it as an eyeshadow, I have only used it as an eyeliner as of now.
Oči a peryKylie Cosmetics Cream Eyeshadow (limited edition): I was able to get this cream eyeshadow from Kylie's birthday collection last year and have it in both shades - Copper and Rose Gold. For this look, I have used Copper. As you can see on the picture above, I have not used much of it yet. It's amazing and that's kind of the reason why I don't want to use it very often .. because what if I run out of it? Haha. That's the thing about liking limited editions. By the way, I have yet to use it as an eyeshadow, I have only used it as an eyeliner as of now.
Lash princess mascara from essence: This brand will never stop surprising me. It's unbelievable that they sell such quality products for such low prices! I love their liquid eyeliners, two years ago I went crazy for their matte lipstick collection and this mascara is my favorite at the moment. You can get it in DM Drugstore, for example.
Lip Oil with coconut scent from Balea: I bought this lip oil when standing in line at DM and was browsing stuff in those little stands with goodies. It cost less than 2 Euros, so I bough it .. why not? It's a great moisturiser - overnight, or even to be worn under a liquid lipstick. And I love its coconut scent. You can also get it in DM Drugstore for example.
Lime Crime liquid lipstick - Riot: If I remember correctly, Lime Crime lipsticks were the second liquid lipsticks I have owned. I like them. They are not the best that I have tried, but they are pretty awesome. They do dry out your lips a bit, but when using a balm underneath, you can avoid that. Lighter shades like this one last a whole day, the darker ones have to be re-applied. But that's kind of the case with other shades as well. Riot is my favorite shade of all 6 that I own from Lime Crime. You can get it here.
Currant Lip Pencil - ceruzka na pery: Ako som už spomínala vyššie, túto ceruzku na pery som použila pri tomto looku ako hrubú linku na oči. Je v odtieni currant, teda ríbezla. Tento produkt musím jednoznačne pochváliť, pretože aj na pery, aj na oči, je výborný! Nemám čo vytknúť. Tak ako ostatné produkty od MACu, dá sa zohnať napríklad cez ich stránku, alebo v kamennej predajni. Inak rúž, s ktorým som tento look prvý krát testovala (ako som písala na začiatku článku), je z kolekcie Retro Matte v odtieni High Drama. A ten rozhodne ako rúž neodporúčam!
Kylie Cosmetics Copper krémový tieň (limitovaná edícia): Tento krémový tieň na oči sa mi podarilo zohnať minulý rok z Kylie-nej narodeninovej kolekcie Kylie Cosmetics, spolu s tieňom v odtieni Rose Gold. Ako môžete vidieť na obrázku, veľa som ho ešte neminula. Je výborný a práve preto ho často nepoužívam .. čo keď sa mi minie? Haha. Čo vám poviem, tieto strachy ma prepadávajú keď si obľúbim niečo z limitovaných edícií. Tieň som inak ešte nikdy nepoužila ako tieň - teda na celé viečko, ale len ako linku, ako napríklad v tomto looku.
Lash princess maskara od essence: Značka essence ma nikdy neprestane prekvapovať. Je priam neuveriteľné, aké kvalitné produkty predávajú za také nízke ceny! Na ich tekuté linky nedám dopustiť, pred dvoma rokmi som si "ujíždela" na ich nude rúžoch, ktorých som mala asi 10 (z toho 3 z takého istého odtieňa - veď keby sa jeden minul, haha) a táto mascara je jednoznačne moje číslo jedna medzi maskarami. Zoženiete ju napríklad v DMke.
Olej na pery s kokosovou vôňou od Balea: Tento olejíček na pery som si kúpila, keď som raz postávala v dlhej rade v DMke a očami som zablúdila na taký ten stojanček pri kase. Kokosovú vôňu mám rada, nestál ani dve eurá a tak som po ňom siahla. Je skvelý na nosenie len tak, na nočnú hydratáciu pier, alebo ako podklad pod tekuté rúže, keď sa trochu zapustí do pier. Zoženiete ho taktiež v DMke, keďže Balea je ich domácka značka.
Lime Crime tekutý rúž - Riot: Tekuté rúže od Lime Crime boli tuším druhé, ktoré som kedy mala - po tom nepodarku od MACu. A som s nimi celkom spokojná. Nie sú na takej úrovni ako tie od Kylie Cosmetics, to nie, ale sú v tesnom závese. Trochu vysušujú, to je pravda, ale keď sa použijú napríklad na olej na pery, tak sú naozaj výborné. Bledšie odtiene, ako tento, vydržia aj takmer celý deň, tie tmavšie tak pol dňa, ale to je pri tekutých rúžoch klasika. Čo sa týka odtieňa, tento je môj obľúbený zo všetkých, ktoré od Lime Crime mám. Majú celosvetový shipping, link na tento odtieň tu.
Nádherné líčenie, vydarilo sa ti! :)
ReplyDeleteLíčení se ti moc podařilo a Essence mě taky neustále překvapuje, naposledy jsem se zamilovala do jejich korektoru:)