Hi guys! Today, we took a day off work and therefore did not only go to play badminton, but also had lunch in Akiko Sushi. I have read about this restaurant a while ago in the page called "Whitelist of Bratislava's restaurants" on Facebook, so I wanted to visit it for some time already.
Overall, I rate it positively - the waiters were friendly, the food was great. The only minus I am going to name is that there were not as many vegetarian choices as I would have liked. And especially for vegetarians like me, who do not like many other things, like cucumber or mushrooms. I was especially disappointed with the limited choice of main dishes - only one tofu dish in a mushroom sauce. That's why I ordered vegetarian sushi - baby spinach, tofu and oshinko. It was amazing!
Viktorko has ordered spicy chicken thigh curry with jasmine rice, which you can see on the photo above and other than that, we have also had Miso soup and vegetable gyozas.
When it comes to the pricing, it is definitely not the kind of restaurant I recommend if you are on a budget. It was a little pricier, than the good average sushi restaurant (example: Miso soup 0,2 l for approximately 4 Euros). But if you were to celebrate your birthday or anniversary, I do recommend it.
Ahojte! Dnes sme mali dovolenku a preto sme si vybehli nie len na bedminton, ale aj na obed do Akiko Sushi v Podunajských Biskupiciach. O reštaurácii som už dávnejšie čítala v skupine "Whitelist bratislavských reštaurácií" na Facebooku a preto som ju chcela už nejaký ten čas navštíviť.
Celkovo hodnotím návštevu pozitívne - milá obsluha, skvelé jedlo. Jediný mínus by som videla v tom, že pre vegetariánov nemajú veľký výber jedál a pre vegetariánov môjho typu ešte menej. Nemám totiž rada ani uhorky, ani hríby, preto som mala výber dosť obmedzený. Mrzelo ma najmä hlavné jedlo, pretože som mala celkom chuť na tofu, to však mali len s hríbovou omáčou a preto som radšej siahla po sushi s veľmi zaujímavou kombináciou - baby špenát, tofu a nakladaná reďkovka. Bolo výborné!
Viktorko si dal kuracie stehno s curry a k tomu jasmínovú ryžu, ako môžete vidieť na fotke hore a okrem toho sme si dali ešte aj Miso polievku a zeleninové gyoza taštičky.
Čo sa týka cenovej kategórie, určite sa nejedná o reštauráciu, do ktorej by som odporúčala chodiť keď šetríte. Bola totiž trochu drahšia, aký je taký priemer v kvalitných sushi reštauráciách (príklad: Miso polievka 0,2 l za takmer 4 Eurá). Ale za návštevu napr. na výročie, alebo narodeniny, určite stojí.
These appetisers were for free - tofu with asparagus and tuna.
chuťkovka bola pozornosť podniku - tofu so špargľou a tuniak
Steamed vegetable gyozas - they could also have been ordered fried or baked. I would try one of the two ways the next time.
Parené zeleninové gyoza taštičky - dali sa objednať aj pečené, alebo vyprážané. Myslím, že nabudúce by som volila jednu z posledných dvoch variánt.
Crispy chicken curry from chicken thigh. // Crispy chicken curry z kuracieho stehna
Vegetarian sushi. Four pieces are still waiting for me for dinner.
Vegetariánske sushi. Štyri kúsky som si priniesla domov a čakajú ma na večeru.
And I also though I would show you what I was wearing, at least like this > top from Forever21
A povedala som si, že vám ukážem aj čo som mala na sebe, aspoň takto > tričko z Forever21
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