This isn't really that much of a February wishlist .. it's more of a Christmas wishlist. I put it together in the beginning of December, back when I thought, that I would be launching the blog so soon. It's three months later and this is still my wishlist. So I just changed the title to "February Wishlist".
All of the products are from Zoeva, from which I have been using the brushes and eyeshadow primers already. I was very satisfied with both and therefore, I would love to get some more products from Zoeva. By the way, this is not an ad, but my real wishlist, which I tried to insconpicuously show my boyfriend before Christmas.
Now a little something to each of the products: I once bought the eyeshadow fixes, one for me and one for Sonka. I used the matte one, she used the one for shimmery eyeshadow. They are still the best eyeshadow primers (or rather all eyemakeup primers) we have ever had. And since mine is completely empty already, I wouldn't mind getting it again. Or both!
When it comes to the highlighters, I am still looking for some which I would be 100% happy with. I have one which I am kind of happy with in powder form and therefore, I would like to try some gel ones. I love all of these pigmentations and would love to add these to my makeup collection.
I am gonna say one thing about the brushes - Zoeva brushes are one of the best out there. I got this particular set for Christmas from Viktor and am so happy with them. This was my third set of Zoeva brushes and to be honest, I am not really keen on trying any other brand, since I have been using theirs for ages and am satisfied.
Almost at the last item - this Zoeva foldable mirror seems per-fect! I mean, you have to be able to see everything in it, even the back of your head!
When it comes to eyeshadows, my ultimate dream eyeshadow palette is from Kylie Cosmetics, however, I would say that these would be an amazing alternative. The bigger palette caught my eye because of all the colors. I think that this would be the perfect palette for all different looks - from the everyday simple look to a look for a night out or a even a ball or something. How did I even think of a damn ball, lol?
And last but not least - the three palette set. It's an amazing upgrade to the bigger palette with even more choices and I can't even imagine, which of the three I like the most. I want them all! And now!!
What about you? Which of these products do you like the most? To see all products with their prices and links to the Zoeva page, click to read more.
All of the products are from Zoeva, from which I have been using the brushes and eyeshadow primers already. I was very satisfied with both and therefore, I would love to get some more products from Zoeva. By the way, this is not an ad, but my real wishlist, which I tried to insconpicuously show my boyfriend before Christmas.
Now a little something to each of the products: I once bought the eyeshadow fixes, one for me and one for Sonka. I used the matte one, she used the one for shimmery eyeshadow. They are still the best eyeshadow primers (or rather all eyemakeup primers) we have ever had. And since mine is completely empty already, I wouldn't mind getting it again. Or both!
When it comes to the highlighters, I am still looking for some which I would be 100% happy with. I have one which I am kind of happy with in powder form and therefore, I would like to try some gel ones. I love all of these pigmentations and would love to add these to my makeup collection.
I am gonna say one thing about the brushes - Zoeva brushes are one of the best out there. I got this particular set for Christmas from Viktor and am so happy with them. This was my third set of Zoeva brushes and to be honest, I am not really keen on trying any other brand, since I have been using theirs for ages and am satisfied.
Almost at the last item - this Zoeva foldable mirror seems per-fect! I mean, you have to be able to see everything in it, even the back of your head!
When it comes to eyeshadows, my ultimate dream eyeshadow palette is from Kylie Cosmetics, however, I would say that these would be an amazing alternative. The bigger palette caught my eye because of all the colors. I think that this would be the perfect palette for all different looks - from the everyday simple look to a look for a night out or a even a ball or something. How did I even think of a damn ball, lol?
And last but not least - the three palette set. It's an amazing upgrade to the bigger palette with even more choices and I can't even imagine, which of the three I like the most. I want them all! And now!!
What about you? Which of these products do you like the most? To see all products with their prices and links to the Zoeva page, click to read more.
Toto vlastne nie je úplne februárový wishlist, je to skôr môj vianočný wishlist. Áno, čítate správne .. vianočný. Zostavila som ho ešte začiatkom decembra, keď som si myslela, že blog launchnem v približne tej dobe. Sú tri mesiace neskôr a moje vianočné priania sú viac-menej ešte stále aktuálne. Preto som len zmenila popis na obrázku na "February Wishlist".
Všetky produkty sú zo Zoevy, z ktorej mám odskúšané zatiaľ štetce a eyeshadow primery. S jedným aj druhým som zatiaľ bola nadmieru spokojná a preto by som si od nich priala ešte viac produktov. Len tak by the way, toto nie je platený reklamný post, ale môj skutočný wishlist, ktorý som sa snažila Viktorkovi nenápadne podsunúť pred Vianocami.
A teraz trochu ku každému produktu zvlášť: Eyeshadow fixy som kedysi kúpila jeden mne a jeden Sonke, s tým že ja som mala ten matný a ona ten na trblietavé očné tiene. Doteraz to boli najlepšie fixéry očných tieňov (resp. celkovo očného makeupu), aké sme mali. A keďže sa mi môj minul, nepohrdla by som ním znovu.
Čo sa týka highlighterov, ešte stále hľadám také, s ktorými by som bola 100% spokojná a keďže jeden celkom vyhovujúci už mám v pudrovej forme, chcela by som vyskúšať aj nejaké gelové. Z týchto sa mi páčia všetky tri pigmentácie a preto by som ich veľmi rada mala v mojom makeup bag.
K štetcom poviem jediné - Zoeva štetce patria k tým najlepším, aké poznám. Tieto som na Vianoce dostala (od Viktorka) a som s nimi nadmieru spokojná. Je to už moja tretia sada štetcov od Zoevy a ak mám byť úprimná, vôbec ma neláka skúšať nejaké nové, keď tieto poznám a som s nimi super spokojná.
No a tým som sa už dostala takmer nakoniec. Zrkadlo mi príde i-de-ál-ne! V takom vám podľa mňa proste nič neunikne a vidíte si snáď aj dozadu hlavy!
A čo sa týka očných tieňov, moje vysnené, ktoré si momentálne najviac prajem, sú síce od Kylie Cosmetics, tieto som však ale brala ako slušnú alternatívu. Veľká paletka ma oslovila snáď všetkými farbami. Viem si predstaviť, že sa ňou dajú vytvoriť všetky možné looky - od každodenného jednoduchého až po nočný look na nejaký ples .. alebo do klubu. Haha, ani neviem ako ma napadol ples, ale dobre.
A k trojpaletke .. ani neviem čo by som dodala. Je to taký upgrade tej veľkej paletky s ešte väčším výberom a ani sa neviem rozhodnúť, ktorý z tieňov sa mi páči najviac. Bože, chcem ich proste všetky!!!
Čo vy na to? Ktorý produkt z tohto wishlistu vás najviac oslovil? Linky na obchod s jednotlivými produktmi nájdete keď po rozkliknutí celého článku.
Plaisir Eyeshadow Box | 62 Eur
Eyeshadow Fix Matte | 9,50 Eur
Eyeshadow Fix Pearl | 9,50 Eur
Nude Spectrum Eyeshadow Palette | 36,50 Eur
Halo Strobe Gel | 13,50 Eur
Corona Strobe Gel | 13,50 Eur
Aureole Strobe Gel | 13,50 Eur
Foldable Makeup Mirror | 9,50 Eur
Rose Golden Complete Eye Set Brushes | 79 Eur
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