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by Petra Dzvoníková



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#naskleeteam || Layout designed by Sonka

About Nasklee

O Nasklee

Nasklee started the "birthing process" in 2016 and finally came to life on March 1st, 2017. 

It is actually a version 2.0 of the blog Petush’s, which has been online since 2011 and was one of the first Slovak fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogs. 

This blog was created in order to have something else to do than just learn for my graduation exams and also as a platform to share pictures, thoughts and memories from the summer after my graduation. Later on, the blog has followed the life of the author (Petush Kay) during her studies in Berlin, Germany. 

In time, the focus has been shifted to themes of lifestyle, fashion and beauty. 

Petush’s has been officially closed in 2015 due to lack of time and resources, which caused the inability to keep blogging as actively as before (more in the section about the author). 

And now, the blog is back again – with a new name and a new creative team, which you can read more about below. 

Blog Nasklee sa zrodil v roku 2016 a podarilo sa ho oficiálne launchnúť 1. marca 2017. 

Je vlastne pokračovaním blogu Petush’s, ktorý bol online od roku 2011 a bol jedným z prvých slovenských fashion, beauty a lifestyle blogov.

Tento blog vznikol z potreby odreagovať sa od učenia na maturity a zároveň ako platforma na zdieľanie fotiek a zážitkov z pomaturitného leta a neskôr sprevádzal autorku (Petush Kay) počas jej štúdií v nemeckom Berlíne. 

Neskôr sa z neho stal blog zameraný na beauty, fashion a lifestyle. 

Petush’s bol oficiálne zatvorený v roku 2015 pre nedostatok času a prostriedkov na jeho spravovanie minimálne v takom nasadení, ako tomu bolo predtým (viac info v sekcii o autorke). 

A teraz je spat v novom šate, s novým menom a takisto skvelým novým teamom, ktorý za blogom stojí. 


