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by Petra Dzvoníková

April 16, 2017


Hello there! We had a day off yesterday and since Viktorka was not here, we only shot one (previously planned) outfit post and then had a little campfire with a couple of friends. They are much more of a grill fans, I however, prefer campfires. When I was a little girl, we used to make campfires with my dad and my grandmas. This time, my boyfriend took a mini-grill with him, but made fire for me as well, so we were all happy. Here are a couple of pictures. 

Do you like campfires?

Ahojte! Včera sme mali dovolenku a keďže Viktorka nie je v Bratislave, fotili sme len jeden (predbežne naplánovaný) outfit post a potom sme išli na opekačku s pár kamarátmi. Oni oveľa radšej síce grilujú, ja mám však radšej opekanie na ohni. Keď som bola malá, často sme si s otcom robili ohník u babičky. Môj priateľ však zobral aj mini-gril, takže sme boli všetci spokojní. 

Máte radi opekačky? 

1 comment:

  1. Opekačky mám hlavně spojené s létem a mám je hodně ráda :)
    Maris Novotná



